Star Trek
GAF ViewMaster
reels and illustrated booklets
The View-Master stereoscopic viewer was invented by Wilhelm B. Gruber and patented in 1940. The more familiar View-Master design was patented by Gruber a few years later circa 1947. The Talking View-Master was patented in 1969. The View-Master Show Beam Projector patent was granted in 1983.
#B499 1968
Star Trek
This set of reels for use with a View-Master adapts TOS episode The Omega Glory. A 16-page color illustrated booklet is included. The cover art was designed with models.
#B499 1968
Star Trek
Variant sleeve design.
#B499-C 1968
Star Trek
French edition sold in Canada. Contains an insert with scene titles instead of a booklet.
#B555 1974
Star Trek: Mr. Spock's Time Trek
This set of reels adapts ST:TAS episode #2 Yesteryear by D.C. Fontana. A 16-page
color illustrated booklet is included.
#B555 1974
Star Trek: Mr. Spock's Time Trek
Variant with the booklet printed in blue.
#B555 1974
Star Trek: Mr. Spock's Time Trek
French edition sold in Canada. Contains an insert with scene titles instead of a booklet.
#AVB555 1974
Star Trek: Mr. Spock's Time Trek
Reels with audio for use with a GAF Talking View-Master.
#3158 1980
Show Beam Cartridge for Push Button Projector: Star Trek
Cartridge #3158 contains 30 2D color comic art images based on Star Trek: The Motion Picture for use with GAF View-Master Show Beam Push Button Projector. The View-Master Show Beam was a battery-powered flashlight projector. After introducing the main cast, scenes from the movie are shown. Thanks to Ian McClean for the heads up about this toy.
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