Star Trek Movie Viewer
Chemtoy Corporation
A detailed examination of the viewer can be seen at A Piece of the Action. The plastic Acme movie viewer was invented by Harry B. Shapiro and patented in 1935. There are several variations of the viewer and the card that backs the blister packed toy. The photograph on the front of the card has a copyright date of 1967, but dates on the back side of the blister pack card are 1967 or 1969. The viewer comes with two black&white 16mm filmstrips reprinting the first half of the first Gold Key Star Trek comic, The Planet of No Return, Part I. Other filmstrips published over the years for this viewer featured Superman, Green Hornet, Land of the Giants, Lone Ranger, Dick Tracy, Rocky and Bullwinkle, Hopalong Cassidy, Daniel Boone, Bonanza, The Virginian, Beverly Hillbillies, US Army, The Three Stooges, Little Joe, Smiling Jack, Tiny Tim, and Ben Casey.
#225 1967
Star Trek Movie Viewer
The two enclosed filmstrips are a b&w presentation of The Planet of No Return, Part I, the first half of Gold Key Star Trek #1. The subject of the filmstrips isn't stated anywhere on the packaging. A printed notice states that additional episodes of this exciting subject are available at your dealer but this hasn't been confirmed. Acme Toy Corp at bottom of card and date 1967. The viewer is red and blue.
#225 1967
Star Trek Movie Viewer
This version has a slightly different backing card. Chemtoy Co at bottom of card and no date on back. The viewer is red and black.
#225K 1967
Star Trek Movie Viewer
K-Kids Have More Fun with this version labeled No. 225K and no date on back. The viewer is red and black.
#225K 1967
Star Trek Movie Viewer
This K-Kids Have More Fun variant has a viewer that's faded pink and black.
#225 1969
Star Trek Movie Viewer
Another variation that says this card contains viewer and episodes of this exciting subject and has the Chemtoy logo and date 1969 on back. The viewer is red and black.
#329 1969
Star Trek Movie Viewer
This version is labeled No. 329 (225) and date 1969 on back. The viewer is red and black.
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