Star Trek: The Next Generation
DC Comics
Aug 1992
The Modala imperative
Reprints 4-issue TOS and 4-issue TNG mini-series. Story by Michael
Jan Friedman and Peter David, introduction by Walter Koenig.
ISBN 1-56389-040-2 trade pb
Feb 1993
The star lost
Reprints issues 20-24. Story by Michael Jan Friedman,
introduction by Ron Moore, and a wraparound cover.
ISBN 1-56389-084-4 trade pb
Cover artist: Jerome Moore
Jan 1994
The best of Star Trek: The Next Generation
Reprints issues 5, 6, 19, Annual 2 by Michael Jan Friedman, and
Annual 1 by John DeLancie (aka Q). Introduction by Jeri Taylor.
Painted cover. ISBN 1-56389-125-5 trade pb
Cover artist: Russell Walks
May 1995
Reprints the first six-issue TNG mini-series, written by Mike
Carlin before the series premiered on television, and originally
released in 1988. Introduction by Michael Okuda, painted cover.
ISBN 1-56389-200-6 trade pb
Cover artist: Bill Sienkiewicz
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