Star Trek: Voyager
Malibu Comics
An ashcan and a two-issue adaptation of Voyager's pilot episode was solicited by Malibu Comics in 1994, then canceled when Marvel Comics acquired Malibu. Some price guides incorrectly list these issues as having been published.
Canceled Jan 1995
Star Trek: Voyager
Ashcan comic bagged with Hero Illustrated #20.
Writer: Mike W. Barr
Penciller: Rob Davis
Inker: Terry Pallot
Cover artists:
#0A Canceled Jan 1995
Caretaker, Part 1 of 2
The Voyager is sent to pursue a Maquis ship into the Badlands and both ships wind up seventy years from Federation space.
Adaptation of premiere episode. Mike Barr, Rob Davis, and Terry Pallot would have been the first creators to work on adaptations of all Star Trek series: TOS, TNG, DS9, and Voyager.
Writer: Mike W. Barr
Penciller: Rob Davis
Inker: Terry Pallot
Cover artists:
Canceled Jan 1995
Caretaker, Part 1 of 2
Newsstand edition with a photo cover.
Writer: Mike W. Barr
Penciller: Rob Davis
Inker: Terry Pallot
Canceled Jan 1995
Caretaker, Part 2 of 2
The Maquis join with the crew of the Voyager, commanded by Captain Elizabeth Janeway, and begin their search for a way home.
Adaptation of premiere episode.
Writer: Mike W. Barr
Penciller: Rob Davis
Inker: Terry Pallot
Cover artists:
Canceled Jan 1995
Caretaker, Part 2 of 2
Newsstand edition with a photo cover.
Writer: Mike W. Barr
Penciller: Rob Davis
Inker: Terry Pallot
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