Star Trek Comics Checklist

Star Trek Specials IDW one-shots

One-shot and event-related Star Trek comics from IDW.

Jul 2014
Star Trek Special: Flesh and Stone
A low-warp escape pod approaches Space Station Diamandis 1. Typically used to ferry sick or wounded from remote locations, the pod is coming to the right place, host of a large Starfleet medical conference. Traveling to the conference via shuttle, Dr. Beverly Crusher, Dr. Julian Bashir, and Dr. Katherine Pulaski, monitor a distress signal from Diamandis 1. The Doctor, formerly Voyager's Chief Medical Officer, informs them of an unknown contagion carried by four humans in an escape pod, that has incapacitated all station personnel. The disease paralyzes, then begins transforming the victim into a stone-like substance. Four more escape pods are heading towards populated worlds and the Doctor also discovers that records related to the disease have been deleted from the station's medical database. The oldest record deleted was recorded by the Constitution-class Enterprise. Since Admiral McCoy is still alive and living on a nearby agricultural facility, the doctors divert their shuttle hoping to learn more about the disease. McCoy has retired to what amounts to a frontier town, but is as sharp and irascible as ever. He recalls the incident deleted from the medical database. The Enterprise answered a colony distress call from Doctor Phlox, asking for help treating victims of the same disease. Phlox and McCoy learned that the stone-like substance resembles the Tholian crystalline carapace and were able to create the anti-viral necessary for treatment. Armed with this information, the Doctor is able to synthesize the antivirus, begin treating victims, and warn Starfleet. Exceeding his programming as usual, the Doctor also does some detective work to learn why the contagion was directed at Diamandis 1 and averts a crisis. Even Dr. Pulaski is impressed.

This one-shot Star Trek medical adventure was created in partnership with the Qualcomm Tricorder XPRIZE, a $10 million competition to bring healthcare to the palm of your hand. Readers of all ages are invited to join the Tricorder Federation, where futurists, innovators and fans can come together and celebrate the efforts of the teams around the world who are competing to make the medical Tricorder a reality, so we can all live long and prosper.

Writers: Scott Tipton, David Tipton
Artists: Sharp Brothers, Andrew Elder
Cover artists: Sharp Brothers, John Rauch

Mar 2017
Star Trek Deviations
Solicitation: In a world where the Romulans discovered Earth before the Vulcans, Earth is now a brutal penal colony. Resistance fighter William Riker has uncovered a vast conspiracy, and together with his band of prisoner outlaws (you just might recognize a few!), must fight to rescue a mysterious prisoner in the darkest level of the Romulan dungeons. The only man on Earth that still holds the key to humanity's return to the stars!

Part of IDW's Spring 2017 Deviations five-week event.

Writer: Donny Cates
Artist: Josh Hood
Cover artist: Josh Hood

Mar 2017
Star Trek Deviations

Mash-up subscription variant.

Writer: Donny Cates
Artist: Josh Hood
Cover artist: Rachael Stott

Mar 2017
Star Trek Deviations

Retailer incentive variant cover.

Writer: Donny Cates
Artist: Josh Hood
Cover artist: David Malan

#1 Nov 2018
Star Trek: Waypoint Special
The anthology series spanning 50 years of Star Trek returns in this oversized annual! These weird and wonderful stories--set during the Original Series, The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, and more--expand on rarely explored corners of the universe or provide closure for long-forgotten plot threads. But they all remind us of why we love Trek. This volume features your favorite characters, including Data, Q, and Ezri Dax, handled by the top creators of today and the future!

Writers: Dave Baker, Nicole Goux, Brandon Easton, Jackson Lanzig, Collin Kelly, Matthew Dow Smith
Artists: Nicole Goux, Josh Hood, Sonny Liew, Matthew Dow Smith
Cover artist: Josh Hood

#1 Jan 2019
Star Trek: IDW 20/20
Solicitation: Twenty years before he took command of the U.S.S. Enterprise-D, Jean-Luc Picard sat in the captain's chair of the U.S.S. Stargazer. Picard served with distinction aboard the Stargazer for many years on his way to becoming the most respected captain in Starfleet. But in this early mission, Picard shows us a vulnerable side as well as glimpses of the brilliant tactician he would become.

This issue is part of IDW 20/20, a weekly event celebrating IDW Publishing's 20th Anniversary. Each 20/20 issue tells a story set 20 years in the past or 20 years in the future.

Writer: Peter David
Artist: J.K. Woodward
Cover artist: J.K. Woodward

#1 Jan 2019
Star Trek: IDW 20/20

Retailer incentive variant. The cover art features Picard with hair! TrekCore points out that Beverly Howard's uniform was created for her Playmates action figure.

Writer: Peter David
Artist: J.K. Woodward
Cover artist: Gabriel Rodriguez, Nelson Daniel

#1 Feb 2019
Star Trek: Discovery: Captain Saru
Solicitation: An all-new Discovery adventure that ties directly into season 1 of the hit CBS All Access show! Soon after the events on Q'onoS, the Discovery receives a distress call from someone from Tilly's past. It's up to Commander Saru to lead the crew against this sinister alien threat in his first mission as acting captain!

One-shot featuring Saru with cover art by Paul Shipper.

Writers: Kirsten Beyer, Mike Johnson
Artist: Angel Hernandez
Cover artist: Paul Shipper

#1 Feb 2019
Star Trek: Discovery: Captain Saru

Retailer incentive variant.

Writers: Kirsten Beyer, Mike Johnson
Artist: Angel Hernandez
Cover artist: Angel Hernandez

#2 Mar 2019
Star Trek: Waypoint Special 2019
Solicitation: The anthology series celebrating 50+ years of Star Trek continues in this new oversized special. Featuring four all-new tales written and drawn by some of today's top creators, this new installment of the hit Waypoint Special will revisit fan-favorite characters all across the Star Trek universe.

One-shot with cover art by Stephen Mooney.

Writers: Matt Sheean, Malachi Ward, Thom Zahler, Stephen Mooney, Corinna Bechko
Artists: Malachi Ward, Stephen Mooney, Andy Price, Daniel Irizarri
Cover artist: Stephen Mooney

Aug 2019
Star Trek: Sky's The Limit

Star Trek: Picard Movie & TV Collection on Blu-ray is a six-disc set containing Generations, First Contact, Insurrection, and Nemesis, as well as a pair of TNG two-parters, The Best of Both Worlds and Chain of Command. In addition, the collection includes an exclusive 16-page comic book featuring an original, never-before-seen storyline, titled Star Trek: Sky's The Limit. Cover art inks by Carlos Nieto. 2120548

This comic has been reprinted in Volume 120 of the Star Trek Graphic Novel Collection.

Writer: Thomas F. Zahler
Artists: Carlos Nieto, Charlie Kirchoff
Cover artist: Carlos Nieto

Oct 2019
Star Trek: Voyager: Mirrors and Smoke
Solicitation: Introducing Captain Janeway of the Voyager, a rebel ship stranded in the Delta Quadrant, far from the ruins of the Terran Empire. When Janeway crowns herself Pirate Queen of the Quadrant, the locals -- including scavengers Neelix and Kes -- won't give up without a fight. Amid this conflict, the crew of the Voyager has a second problem on their hands: just who is the Terran calling herself Annika Hansen, and can she be trusted?

Cover art by art by J.K. Woodward.

Writer: Paul Allor
Artist: J.K. Woodward
Cover artist: J.K. Woodward

Oct 2019
Star Trek: Voyager: Mirrors and Smoke

Retailer incentive variant.

Writer: Paul Allor
Artist: J.K. Woodward
Cover artist: George Caltsoudas

Aug 2020
Star Trek: Hell's Mirror
Solicitation: Legendary writer J.M. DeMatteis returns to Star Trek for the first time in nearly 40 years! And it'll be well worth the wait, as he tackles two of the franchise's most popular concepts: Khan Noonien Singh and the Mirror Universe!

Writer: J.M. DeMatteis
Artists: Matthew Dow Smith, Candace Han
Cover artist: Matthew Dow Smith

Aug 2020
Star Trek: Hell's Mirror

Retailer incentive variant. Cover artist George Caltsoudas posted his original sketch for the variant issue.

Writer: J.M. DeMatteis
Artists: Matthew Dow Smith, Candace Han
Cover artist: George Caltsoudas

May 2024
Star Trek: Celebrations
The Knight Errand
Demora and her plush moopsy are regaled with a tale of brave knights boldly going where no knight has ever gone.
Cover art by Paulina Ganucheau drawn for Pride Month 2023.

Writer: Steve Orlando
Artists: Lauren Knight, J.P. Jordan
Lettering: Jodie Troutman
Cover artist: Paulina Ganucheau

Lady Luck
Seven accompanies Raffi to a Starfleet class reunion where resistance to her charm is futile.
Writer: Vita Ayala
Artists: Liana Kangas

With inspiration from her friend Roz, Christine Chapel impresses Director Phlox with a clever approach to epigenetic modification.
Writer: Mags Visaggio
Artists: Tench, J.P. Jordan

Innovation Interruption
Stamets and Reno host a visiting science team whose experimental programmable matter arachnids run amok.
Writer: Stephanie Williams
Artists: Denny Minonne

Risian Rendezvous
Beckett Mariner convinces her friend Jennifer to visit Risa for some rest and relaxation, but Jamaharon doesn't come easy.
Writer: Hannah Rose May
Artists: Jack Lawrence, Rebecca Nalty

May 2024
Star Trek: Celebrations
Solicitation: "Star Trek was an attempt to say that humanity will reach maturity and wisdom on the day that it begins not just to tolerate but to celebrate differences in ideas and differences in life forms." -- Gene Roddenberry. IDW proudly presents a oneshot anthology centering and celebrating LGBTQIA+ characters from across the Star Trek universe! Join legendary heroes from each era of the beloved franchise in stories that showcase the strengths of infinite diversity in infinite combinations, brought to you by a star-studded cast of writers and artists including Vita Ayala, Steve Orlando, Mags Visaggio, and more!

Variant cover art by Ángel Solórzano.

Writers: Vita Ayala, Hannah Rose May, Steve Orlando, Magdalene Visaggio, Stephanie Williams
Artists: Liana Kangas, Jack Lawrence, J.P. Jordan, Lauren Knight, Denny Minonne, Rebecca Nalty, Tench
Lettering: Jodie Troutman
Cover artist: Ángel Solórzano

May 2024
Star Trek: Celebrations

Retailer incentive variant cover 1:10 with art by Kevin Wada.

Writers: Vita Ayala, Hannah Rose May, Steve Orlando, Magdalene Visaggio, Stephanie Williams
Artists: Liana Kangas, Jack Lawrence, J.P. Jordan, Lauren Knight, Denny Minonne, Rebecca Nalty, Tench
Lettering: Jodie Troutman
Cover artist: Kevin Wada

May 2024
Star Trek: Celebrations

IDW convention exclusive virgin variant cover of Paulina Ganucheau cover art.

Writers: Vita Ayala, Hannah Rose May, Steve Orlando, Magdalene Visaggio, Stephanie Williams
Artists: Liana Kangas, Jack Lawrence, J.P. Jordan, Lauren Knight, Denny Minonne, Rebecca Nalty, Tench
Lettering: Jodie Troutman
Cover artist: Paulina Ganucheau

Feb 2025
Star Trek: Section 31 - Emperor Born
Solicitation: A single issue spin-off of the forthcoming Star Trek: Section 31 movie! The issue features Emperor Philippa Georgiou on a brand-new, raucous, and exhilarating adventure.

Writer: Alyssa Wong
Artists: Megan Levens, Charlie Kirchoff
Letterer: Jodie Troutman
Cover artist: Megan Levens

Feb 2025
Star Trek: Section 31 - Emperor Born

Variant cover based on the Section 31 movie poster featuring Michelle Yeoh.

Writer: Alyssa Wong
Artists: Megan Levens, Charlie Kirchoff
Letterer: Jodie Troutman

Feb 2025
Star Trek: Section 31 - Emperor Born

Retailer incentive variant 1:10.

Writer: Alyssa Wong
Artists: Megan Levens, Charlie Kirchoff
Letterer: Jodie Troutman
Cover artist: Annie Wu

Creative Commons License
Star Trek Comics Checklist by Mark Martinez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
This website is not endorsed, sponsored or affiliated with CBS Studios Inc. or the "Star Trek" franchise. The STAR TREK trademarks and logos are owned by CBS Studios Inc.