Star Trek:
IDW will explore strange new worlds beginning in February, publishing a series of extra-long one-shots spotlighting the many memorable alien species of Star Trek.
Feb 2022
Star Trek: Klingons
Solicitation: Dive deeper into the world of Star Trek with the first of several extra-long issues focusing on the memorable aliens of the franchise!
To begin: the story of Kahless the Unforgettable, from the death of his coward brother Morath to his victory at Three Turn Bridge. Witness history unfolding in this can't-miss issue!
Klingons cover art by Timothy Green II.
Writers: Jackson Lanzing, Collin Kelly
Artists: Timothy Green II, DC Alonso
Cover artist: Timothy Green II
Feb 2022
Star Trek: Klingons
Retailer incentive variant.
Writers: Jackson Lanzing, Collin Kelly
Artists: Timothy Green II, DC Alonso
Cover artist: Alexandra Beguez
Apr 2022
Star Trek: Ferengi
Solicitation: Follow Quark on an unforgettable adventure to Ferenginar, where mother, brother, and brother challenge the very core beliefs of Ferengi culture. Witness Ferengi history change forever in this can't-miss issue!
Writer: Christina Rice
Artists: Andy Price, Maria Keane, Charlie Kirchoff
Cover artist: Andy Price
Apr 2022
Star Trek: Ferengi
Retailer incentive variant.
Writer: Christina Rice
Artists: Andy Price, Maria Keane, Charlie Kirchoff
Cover artist: Alexandra Beguez
Nov 2022
Star Trek: Trill
Solicitation: Someone is following Vanah, a research student and ex-applicant to the Trill Symbiont Initiate Program, after a life-changing event on a joint Trill-Federation science expedition. Delve into the world of the Trill in this suspenseful tale of tradition, independence, and survival.
Writer: Jody Houser
Artists: Hendry Prasetya. Rafael Perez Granados, DC Alonso
Letterer: Neil Uyetake
Cover artists: Hendry Prasetya, DC Alonso
Nov 2022
Star Trek: Trill
Retailer incentive variant.
Writer: Jody Houser
Artists: Hendry Prasetya. Rafael Perez Granados, DC Alonso
Letterer: Neil Uyetake
Cover artist: Alexandra Beguez
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