From Wikipedia: Ephemera are transitory written and printed matter not intended to be retained or preserved except by obsessive compulsive Star Trek comics collectors.
Sugar Smacks
Cereal box featuring Spock advertised on the back of the first issue of TV21 & Joe 90,
a British weekly comic with a Star Trek comic strip. Five Star Trek badges were distributed as premiums in the cereal box.
Mystery Comics: Collect all 9 Thrilling Comics
Western Publishing
Mystery Comics vending machine display card. These are the mini comics commonly known as Dan Curtis Giveaways, which weren't really given away; they could be purchased from a vending machine.
Star Trek: The Enterprise Logs Point-of-Sale Counter Display
Golden Press
Cardboard counter display for 12 issues of Star Trek Enterprise Logs Vol. 2 that also serves as a shipping box.
Star Trek: The Enterprise Logs Point-of-Sale Floor Display
Western Publishing
Floor display for 48 issues of Star Trek Enterprise Logs, Vol. 1 thru 4, as shown in the 1978 Western Publishing Catalog.
Star Trek: The legend is now Star Trek, the comic strip
Los Angeles Times Syndicate
Press kit released to promote the syndicated Star Trek comic strip to newspapers.
The kit features promotional material and comic art examples to introduce the comic
strip and includes three Sunday color comic strip panels on glossy stock measuring
9-3/4" x 14" each when opened, three black & white comic strip panels on glossy
stock measuring 11" x 17" each when opened, the first two issues of the Star Trek:
The Motion Picture newsletter, and a fact sheet measuring 8-1/2" x 11", all in a
folder with glossy cover.
Star Trek: The legend is now a comic strip
Seattle Post-Intelligencer
Promotional flyer advertising the Star Trek comic strip printed on
8.5"x14" sheet folded in half. Contains the first six strips dated
12/3 thru 12/8, story begins Stardate 7493.9
Star Trek now appearing ... comic page
Oregon Journal
Newspaper rack card, 11"x14" cardstock.
Star Trek now appearing in the Morning Sun and the Sunday Sun
Baltimore Sun
Newspaper rack card, 11"x17" cardstock.
Star Trek The Cartoon Strip Every Day in the Daily Mail
Daily Mail
20"x30" promotional poster on newsprint, advertising the Star Trek newspaper strip in the UK Daily Mail.
Star Trek: The legend is now a comic strip
Los Angeles Times Syndicate
Promotional flyer advertising the Star Trek comic strip.
Star Trek. Coming in November. The new DC. There's no stopping us now.
DC Comics
Poster 17" x 22", features artwork of Kirk and the Enterprise, Sulu, Checkov, McCoy, and
DC Comics 1988 Calendar
DC Comics
Folded poster 22" x 28", features cover art from DC Comics including several issues of Star Trek (DC 1st series Star Trek #23 and #39, plus DC Sampler #2).
Star Trek, Star Trek: The Next Generation
DC Comics
Promotional Flyer 10 1/8" x 13 1/2" double-sided, Artwork by James Fry,
Arne Starr (TOS), Pablo Marcos (TNG)
DC Comics kicks off a 25th Anniversary Star Trek celebration, Star Trek and Star Trek: The Next Generation.
DC Comics
Poster 17" x 22", artwork by Gordon Purcell and Jerome K. Moore
1991 ?
Available now Star Trek: The Mirror Universe Saga, The Best of Star Trek, Star Trek 25th Anniversary.
DC Comics
Banner 22" x 5", no comic art
Star Trek: Debt of Honor
DC Comics
Poster 17" x 22", artwork by Adam Hughes and Karl Story
William Shatner's Tek World
Marvel/Epic Comics
Poster 17" x 22", artwork by Lee Sullivan ?
At the edge of the final frontier. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Malibu Comics
Poster 14" x 23", features cover art by Jerome Moore and Richard Ory from DS9 #1.
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Limited Editon Preview
Malibu Comics
Star Trek: DS9 artwork promotional print signed by writer Mike W. Barr and/or
artist Lurene Haines, comic backing-board size 6 5/8" x 10 1/4".
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Limited Editon Preview
Malibu Comics
Star Trek: DS9 artwork promotional print signed by writer Mike W. Barr and/or
artist Lurene Haines, comic backing-board size 6 5/8" x 10 1/4".
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Shopping Bag
Malibu Comics
Star Trek: DS9 artwork printed on a comic shop paper bag.
Malibu Comics
Poster for Walter Koenig's Raver, created with Dan and David Day.
Malibu Comics
2x2-inch pinback for Walter Koenig's Raver.
Star Trek: The Next Generation On Sale Here
DC Comics
Promotional Window Decal 10" x 13", artwork of the Enterprise going to warp.
The Voyage Continues, ST:TNG Shadowheart, DS9/TNG, ST: Generations
DC Comics
Poster 34" x 22", painted artwork by Sonia Hillios
Star Trek: Ashes of Eden
DC Comics
Poster 17" x 22", features cover art by Steve Erwin and Jimmy Palmiotti from the
graphic novel.
El Ano Star Trek
Planeta Deagostini
Promotional calendar featuring TOS and TNG characters from DC Comics, published in Spain.
Star Trek Comics on sale here.
Marvel Paramount Comics
Banner 34" x 9", features the TNG Enterprise
Star Trek/X-Men Blockbuster Video Giftcard
Marvel Paramount Comics/Blockbuster Video
Numbered and limited to 10,000 with a $4 value. Distributed at
San Diego International Comic-Con 1996. Card features Kirk and
Wolverine with Enterprise flying above. Sealed in cellophane
on a backing card.
Star Trek, ST:TNG, ST:DS9, ST:VOY. Exploring the boundaries of what Star Trek comics can be ...
Wildstorm Comics
Poster 22" x 34", no comic artwork.
Star Trek: Die Comic-Serie
Postcard released by Dino Verlag, publisher of Star Trek comics translated into German.
Star Trek: The Manga
Point-of-purchase book display featuring Kirk, about four feet high. ISBN 1598169866 (If you have a better photo of this display, please let me know)
Star Trek: The Manga - Kakan ni Shinkou
Postcard advertising the second TOS manga collection.
Star Trek: Klingons - Blood Will Tell
IDW Publishing
Poster 18" x 24", featuring issue #1 cover art by Joe Corroney. The same image is also used
on a postcard advertising the mini-series.
Star Trek: Klingons - Blood Will Tell
IDW Publishing
Postcard 4x6, featuring issue #1 cover art by Joe Corroney. Distributed at comic shops to
advertise the mini-series.
Star Trek: Year Four
IDW Publishing
Postcard 4x6, featuring issue #1 cover art by Joe Corroney. Distributed at comic shops to
advertise the mini-series.
Star Trek: Year Four Book Plate
Bookplate 4x6, featuring art by Steve Conley. Signed by Conley. Distributed by
Colorful Heroes Star Trek
Hero Initiative
Trading card featuring Star Trek: Year Four #1 cover art by Joe Corroney, colored by Brian Miller.
Autographed by Miller.
Star Trek: The Manga - Uchu
Postcard advertising the third TOS manga collection.
Sep 2008
Star Trek: The Complete Comic Book Collection
Point-of-purchase display.
Star Trek: Countdown
IDW Publishing
Poster 18" x 24", advertising IDW's Star Trek movie prequel mini-series. The comic covers
by David Messina and the poster are based on the design of the movie posters. The Countdown
retailer incentive covers feature the movie poster art.
Star Trek: The Next Generation/Battlestar Galactica: The Manga
Point-of-purchase book display. (If you have a better photo of this display, please let me know)
IDW Publishing
Poster 18" x 24", advertising IDW's Infestation crossover event. Artwork by
Gabriel Rodriguez.
Star Trek
IDW Publishing
Signing postcard 4x6, featuring cover art from the first issue of the new ongoing series. Distributed at 2011 San Diego Comic Con.
Star Trek/Legion of Super-Heroes
IDW Publishing/DC Comics
Signing postcard 4x6, featuring cover art from the first issue of the new crossover mini-series. Distributed at 2011 San Diego Comic Con.
Star Trek Temporary Tattoo
IDW Publishing
Temporary tattoo. Part of a set of seven advertising IDW licensed properties. Distributed at 2012 Wondercon and 2012 SDCC.
Jul 2012
Star Trek: The Next Generation - Hive
IDW Publishing
Oversize signing card 6x9, advertising IDW's forthcoming Hive mini-series. Artwork by
Joe Corroney. Distributed at SDCC 2012. The back of the card is blank, with the expected publication date, September 2012, and the publisher's address.
Dec 2013
Star Trek Shelf Talker
IDW Publishing
Measuring approximately 6 1/2 by 12 inches, this promotional shelf-talker is a premium given to comic retail stores by IDW to promote the series. The art by Erfan Fajar is from issue #28.
Sep 2016
HawaiiCon Science Fiction Convention Promo Card
Oversize promo card 7x10, advertising HawaiiCon Science Fiction Convention 2016. Artwork by Bill Morrison.
Jun 2017
Star Trek: Boldly Go Vol. 1 Promo Card
IDW Publishing
Oversize promo card, advertising Star Trek: Boldly Go Vol. 1. Artwork by Harmony Becker.
Oct 2017
Star Trek Discovery Promo Card
IDW Publishing
Oversize promo card, advertising the first Star Trek Discovery mini-series. Artwork by George Caltsoudas and Tony Shasteen.
Oct 2017
Star Trek Official 2018 Calendar
Danilo Promotions Ltd.
12-month wall calendar featuring Gold Key Star Trek comic covers. January, June and back cover. ISBN 9781785493867
Mar 2018
Star Trek: The Next Generation: Mirror Broken Promo Bookmark
IDW Publishing
Promo bookmark, advertising Star Trek: The Next Generation: Mirror Broken trade paperback. Artwork by J.K. Woodward and Rachael Stott.
Summer 2019
They Called Us Enemy Promo Card
Top Shelf Productions
Oversize promo card, advertising They Called Us Enemy, a graphic novel by George Takei. Artwork by Harmony Becker.
Mar 2019
Star Trek: Year Five
IDW Publishing
Poster 11x17, advertising IDW's forthcoming Year Five monthly ongoing series. Artwork by
Greg Hildebrandt. Distributed at WonderCon 2019.
Oct 2022
Star Trek
IDW Publishing
Poster 11x17, advertising IDW's forthcoming monthly ongoing series. Artwork by
Ramon Rosanas. Distributed at NYCC 2022. The poster was distributed on rolled paper and folded cardstock.
Oct 2022
Greetings from the U.S.S. Enterprise
IDW Publishing
Postcard 4x6, advertising IDW Star Trek comics. Artwork by
various artists. Distributed at NYCC 2022. Backside is blank.
Star Trek
IDW Publishing
Folder poster 18x24, advertising IDW Star Trek comics in shops the second half of 2023. Artwork by various artists. Distributed at ?.
Every Day is Good Day to Die - Star Trek: Day of Blood IDW
IDW Publishing
1.5-inch diameter pin with art by Chris Fenoglio from Star Trek: Day of Blood #1 promoting the IDW crossover story arc. Distributed at SDCC 2023.
Apr 2024
IDW Monthly Title Catalog | April 2024
IDW Publishing
This issue ships with a stapled-in pull-out poster featuring Star Trek #19-21 stained glass retailer incentiver cover art by J.J. Lendl on one side and Godzilla vs. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers on the other side. Poster is 13.25 in x 20.25 in.
Sep 2024
IDW Monthly Title Catalog | September 2024
IDW Publishing
This issue ships with a stapled-in pull-out poster featuring Star Trek #500 cover art by Chris Fenoglio on one side and Monster High on the other side. Poster is 13.25 in x 20.25 in.
Mar 2025
IDW Monthly Title Catalog | March 2025
IDW Publishing
This issue ships with a stapled-in pull-out poster featuring Godzilla: Heist on one side and Star Trek: Lore War retailer incentive connected cover art by J.J. Lendl on the other side. Poster is 13.25 in x 20.25 in.