Star Trek: Deep Space Nine/The Next Generation
DC Comics
DC Comics and Malibu Comics cooperated on this DS9/TNG
crossover. This was the first time that two companies
combined licensed Star Trek properties. Mike W. Barr and Michael Jan
Friedman co-plotted the story. Gordon Purcell and Terry Pallot
are responsible for all the artwork. Parts 2 and 3 of the
mini-series were published by Malibu Comics.
Aug 1994
Ashcan Edition
This free full-size comic flip-book was distributed at the 1994
San Diego Comic Con. The Malibu side contains artwork from the cover
and pages 4-6 of Malibu #1, interviews with Mike Barr and Michael
Jan Friedman, and additional artwork from Malibu #2. The DC side has
a cover featuring O'Brien, Riker, Picard, Sisko, Kira, and Data, and
pages 1-8 of DC #1.
Penciller: Gordon Purcell
Inker: Jerome Moore
Cover artist: Jerome Moore (DC)
Cover artist: Scott Sava (Malibu)
#1 Dec 1994
Prophets and losses, Part 1 of 4
The crew of the Enterprise gets acquainted with DS9 after
ferrying several Starfleet officers to the station. When the
officers disappear after entering the wormhole, Picard is placed
in charge of the investigation. On Bajor, religious
fundamentalists consider the wormhole's apparent instability as
a sign from the Prophets. Aboard DS9, sensors indicate an
attempt to access an old Cardassian computer link. Odo, Kira,
and Worf investigate and discover Cardassian sabotuers.
Stardate 47268.4
The painted cover is also the left panel of a mural
whose left side and center panels are the covers of Shadowheart #1
and Generations. The covers were all painted by Sonia
Hillios. A poster for comic shops
titled The Voyage Continues was
produced in 1994.
Writers: Michael Jan Friedman, Mike W. Barr
Penciller: Gordon Purcell
Inker: Terry Pallot
Cover artist: Sonia Hillios
#2 Jan 1995
The unseen enemy, Part 4 of 4
Data turns the tables on the away team's captors and they are
on the run again. On the other side of the wormhole, O'Brien
and LaForge discover how the wormhole has been obstructed and
begin looking for the source of the problem. Kira and Riker
locate a ship, tansport the rest of the Starfleet team to
safety, then make for the wormhole. The alien leader reveals
his Cardassian allies. When the away team arrives back at
DS9, Odo confirms his suspicions of Cardassian interference.
The Enterprise, with DS9 officers aboard, makes for the
source of the wormhole interference, an old Cardassian
outpost. Another combined away team conducts an assault on
the outpost to destroy the device obstructing the wormhole.
The Cardassians deny any involvement and their alien allies
from the other side of the wormhole abandon their position.
Picard, Sisko, and their crews part company on good terms.
Painted cover.
Writers: Michael Jan Friedman, Mike W. Barr
Penciller: Gordon Purcell
Inker: Terry Pallot
Cover artist: Jason Palmer