Star Trek: Voyager
Some issues of Wildstorm comics were distributed via direct market and at newsstands. You can view all the Wildstorm Star Trek direct market and newsstand variant covers (a work in progress).
Jan 2000
False colors
Voyager encounters the remains of a ship and traces of Borg
weaponry. Seven is aware of garbled Borg transmissions but can't
confirm the presence of a Borg vessel. When Voyager is caught in
a much larger ship's tractor beam, Seven, Tuvok, and Chakotay sneak
on board the alien vessel and discover still functioning Borg
technology and pirates. Seven must risk her own identity to take
control of the stolen Borg technology and free Voyager.
Stardate 53689
Also contains a pinup of Seven by Jeffrey Moy and Carani. Prestige format.
Writer: Nathan Archer
Penciller: Jeffrey Moy
Inkers: Philip Moy, W.C. Carani
Cover artists: Jim Lee, Scott Williams
Jan 2000
False colors
Variant with a photo cover featuring Jeri Ryan as Seven of Nine.
Cover design: Alex Sinclair
Jul 2000
Elite force
Voyager is trapped in a null-entropy chasm and raided by Borg drones.
In order to retrieve parts stolen by the Borg, Janeway sends a hazard
team of specially trained crewmen with Seven. A greater threat looms
and the hazard team must finish the job.
Stardate 53854.7
Also contains pinup art by
various artists. Based on material from the Activison/Raven Software
computer game. Prestige format.
Writers: Dan Abnett, Andy Lanning
Penciller: Jeffrey Moy
Inker: W.C. Carani
Cover artist: Moy, Carani
Sep 2000
Avalon rising
On an away mission, the Doctor fires the imagination of a young
knight's squire with tales of Voyager's Knights of Starfleet.
Prestige format. Painted cover.
Writers: Janine Ellen Young, Doselle Young
Artist: David Roach
Cover artist: David Wenzel