Star Trek Classic
SoMuchFun! Inc. distributed second printings of Marvel, DC, and
Archie comics with print runs of 5000 copies in 1987. The comics were printed
with a "Classic" logo and the words "Distibuted by SoMuchFun! Inc." added to
the cover. Comics were packed in bags of three for sale in retail shops. The
project was abandoned after one year.
#6 1987
Who is Enigma?
Peace talks between the Federation and the Klingon Empire are
threatened by Enigma, a shape-shifting revolutionary, who is
determined to kill Ambassador Robert Fox (A Taste of Armageddon).
Stardate 8173.5
Second printing of DC Comics first series Star Trek #6.
Some major and minor differences from the first printing are a cover price of
$1.25, no barcode box, the words "Distibuted by SoMuchFun! Inc." in a yellow
box and the word "CLASSIC" in bold yellow on a red box below "Star Trek". The
cover also has a blue-black background and the word "WAR" in blue. The ads are
different and there is no letter section. The indicia states "Second printing"
and doesn't contain any subscription information. The text "Who is Enigma?" on
the first page isn't colored.
Writer: Mike W. Barr
Penciller: Tom Sutton
Inker: Ricardo Villagran
Cover artists: Sutton, Sal Amendola