Star Trek -
Collector's Preview
Marvel Paramount Comics
#1 Jul 1996
Collector's Preview
Preview of Marvel's Star Trek comics published under the Paramount
Comics imprint: Star Trek: Voyager #1, Star Trek: Starfleet Academy #1,
and Star Trek: Early Voyages #1. Probably distributed at the 1996
San Diego Comic Con. Cover features photos of starship and DS9 models.
Back cover features Marvel subscription information. Six pages, b&w,
5 1/2 in X 8 3/8 in.
#2 Jul 1997
Collector's Preview
Preview of Marvel's Star Trek comics story arcs published under the
Paramount Comics imprint: Star Trek: Early Voyages, Star Trek: Deep Space
Nine, Star Trek: Voyager, Star Trek: Unlimited, Star Trek: Telepathy War,
and Star Trek: The Next Generation/X-Men. Also mentions Star Trek: Phase 3
coming in 1998, which was never published. Probably distributed at the 1997
San Diego Comic Con. Cover features color artwork of starships and DS9. Back
cover features Marvel subscription information. Fourteen pages, b&w,
5 in X 6 1/2 in.