Star Trek: Khan
Where we learn how the master villain of Star Trek Into Darkness became the intergalactic menace seen in the blockbuster film. Over five thrilling issues, Khan's secrets will be unlocked and the origin of evil will finally be uncovered.
#1 Oct 2013
Star Trek: Khan
Solicit: Shall we begin? Don't miss this all-new mini-series event overseen by Star Trek Into Darkness writer/producer Roberto Orci! Witness the shocking origin of Khan Noonien Singh from his earliest years through his rise to power during the epic Eugenics Wars! Behold the events that led to his escape from Earth aboard the Botany Bay! Learn the truth behind his re-awakening by Admiral Marcus and Section 31! It's the origin of Star Trek's greatest villain, only from IDW!
Writer: Mike Johnson
Artists: David Messina, Claudia Balboni, Marina Castelvetro, Claudia ScarletGothica
Cover artist: Paul Shipper
#1 Oct 2013
Star Trek: Khan
Subscription photo cover variant.
Writer: Mike Johnson
Artists: David Messina, Claudia Balboni, Marina Castelvetro, Claudia ScarletGothica
#1 Oct 2013
Star Trek: Khan
Retailer incentive variant.
Writer: Mike Johnson
Artists: David Messina, Claudia Balboni, Marina Castelvetro, Claudia ScarletGothica
Cover artist: Andrew Currie, Andrew Elder
#2 Nov 2013
Star Trek: Khan
Solicit: The origin of STAR TREK's greatest villain continues here, in this all-new mini-series overseen by STAR TREK writer/producer Roberto Orci! Witness the never-before-seen outbreak of the legendary Eugenics Wars and behold Khan Noonien Singh's brutal rise to power, as the secret history of the future is finally revealed!
Writer: Mike Johnson
Artists: David Messina, Claudia Balboni, Marina Castelvetro, Claudia ScarletGothica
Cover artist: Paul Shipper
#2 Nov 2013
Star Trek: Khan
Photo cover.
Writer: Mike Johnson
Artists: David Messina, Claudia Balboni, Marina Castelvetro, Claudia ScarletGothica
#2 Nov 2013
Star Trek: Khan
Variant blank sketch cover.
Writer: Mike Johnson
Artists: David Messina, Claudia Balboni, Marina Castelvetro, Claudia ScarletGothica
#2 Nov 2013
Star Trek: Khan
Retailer incentive variant.
Writer: Mike Johnson
Artists: David Messina, Claudia Balboni, Marina Castelvetro, Claudia ScarletGothica
Cover artist: Derek Charm
#3 Dec 2013
Star Trek: Khan
Solicit: The exclusive never-before-seen origin of STAR TREK's greatest villain continues here, in the official tie-in to the blockbuster hit STAR TREK INTO DARKNESS! The legendary Eugenics Wars lay waste to the planet as Khan fights to preserve his empire! Don't miss this all-new epic overseen by STAR TREK writer/producer Roberto Orci!
Writer: Mike Johnson
Artists: David Messina, Claudia Balboni, Marina Castelvetro, Luca Lambert, Claudia ScarletGothica, Valentina Cuomo
Cover artist: Paul Shipper
#3 Dec 2013
Star Trek: Khan
Subscription photo cover variant.
Writer: Mike Johnson
Artists: David Messina, Claudia Balboni, Marina Castelvetro, Luca Lambert, Claudia ScarletGothica, Valentina Cuomo
#3 Dec 2013
Star Trek: Khan
Retailer incentive variant.
Writer: Mike Johnson
Artists: David Messina, Claudia Balboni, Marina Castelvetro, Luca Lambert, Claudia ScarletGothica, Valentina Cuomo
Cover artists: Andrew Currie, Zac Atkinson
#4 Jan 2014
Star Trek: Khan
Solicit: The Eugenics Wars are over... but the next chapter in the life of Khan Noonien Singh has just begun! Only in this all-new mini-eries are the secrets of Khan's revival in the future by Admiral Marcus and the agents of Section 31 finally revealed! Don't miss this exclusive tie-in to the blockbuster Star Trek Into Darkness, overseen by the film's writer/producer Roberto Orci!
Writer: Mike Johnson
Artists: David Messina, Giorgia Sposito, Luca Lamberti, Claudia ScarletGothica
Cover artist: Paul Shipper
#4 Jan 2014
Star Trek: Khan
Subscription variant.
Writer: Mike Johnson
Artists: David Messina, Giorgia Sposito, Luca Lamberti, Claudia ScarletGothica
Cover artists: David Messina, Claudia ScarletGothica
#5 Feb 2014
Star Trek: Khan
Solicit: It's the climactic chapter of the origin of STAR TREK's greatest villain! But how did he come to be called John Harrison? How did his vendetta against Admiral Marcus and Section 31 begin? All is revealed in this all-new story overseen by STAR TREK INTO DARKNESS writer/producer Roberto Orci!
Writer: Mike Johnson
Artists: David Messina, Giorgia Sposito, Claudia ScarletGothica, Valentia Cuomo
Cover artist: Paul Shipper
#5 Feb 2014
Star Trek: Khan
Subscription photo cover variant.
Writer: Mike Johnson
Artists: David Messina, Giorgia Sposito, Claudia ScarletGothica, Valentia Cuomo
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