Star Trek Comics Checklist

Star Trek: Omega - IDW one-shot

Star Trek: Omega will bring the current run of Star Trek and Star Trek: Defiant monthly comics to an end June 2025. Since the Omega announcement, a few artists have posted compilations of their Star Trek and Star Trek: Defiant cover art, including Malachi Ward and Jake Bartok. If you need some assistance following the threads of IDW's Star Trek monthly series, Rich Handley has come up with the reading order list below, which will be updated as needed, until both series end.

#1 Jun 2025
Star Trek: Omega
Solicitation: Two and a half years of comics spanning 60 years of Star Trek history, a fair few awards, and more than a few universe detonations, and it's all been coming to this... Star Trek: Omega is the denouement of the critically acclaimed Star Trek and Star Trek: Defiant storylines, and the first glimpse at all that comes next. The crews of the Theseus, Defiant, and Enterprise set to work restoring the universe to what it should be after the evil android Lore's intervention. Each hero finds their peace in preordained or unexpected ways, with individual scenes depicted by one of Star Trek's or Defiant's mainline artists! This finale pays tribute to all those involved in the series Screen Rant calls 'the gold standard for ambitious comic book storytelling'.

Writers: Christopher Cantwell, Collin Kelly, Jackson Lanzing
Artists: Various
Cover artist: Malachi Ward

#1 Jun 2025
Star Trek: Omega

Writers: Christopher Cantwell, Collin Kelly, Jackson Lanzing
Artists: Various
Cover artist: Ramon Rosanas

#1 Jun 2025
Star Trek: Omega

Retailer incentive variant cover 1:10.

Writers: Christopher Cantwell, Collin Kelly, Jackson Lanzing
Artists: Various
Cover artist: Ángel Unzueta

Star Trek and Star Trek: Defiant Reading Order by Rich Handley
Individual issuesIndividual issues collected in
Star Trek: Klingons (one-shot) Star Trek: Aliens
Star Trek #400 (Gary Mitchell story "A Perfect System")
Star Trek #1-6 (Godshock)
Star Trek Vol. 1: Godshock
Defiant #1-5 (Untitled) Star Trek: Defiant, Vol. 1
Star Trek #7-10 (The Red Path)
Star Trek Annual 2023
Star Trek Vol. 2: The Red Path
Day of Blood #0 (Day of Blood Prelude)
Day of Blood #1 (Day of Blood Part 1)
Defiant #6 (Day of Blood Part 2)
Star Trek #11 (Day of Blood Part 3)
Shaxs' Best Day (Day of Blood interlude)
Defiant #7 (Day of Blood Part 4)
Star Trek #12 (Day of Blood Part 5)
Star Trek: Day of Blood
Defiant #8-11 (Another Piece of the Action)
Defiant Annual 2024
Star Trek: Defiant, Vol. 2: Another Piece of the Action
Star Trek #13-18 (A Savage World of Bone and Glass) Star Trek Vol. 3: Glass and Bone
Defiant #12-16 (Hell Is Only a Word) Star Trek: Defiant, Vol. 3: Hell Is Only A Word
Star Trek #19-22 (Pleroma)
Star Trek Annual 2024
Star Trek #23-24 (Pleroma, continued)
Star Trek Vol. 4: Pleroma (Apr 2025)
Sons of Star Trek #1-4 Star Trek: Sons of Star Trek
Defiant #17-21 (The Stars of Home) Star Trek: Defiant, Vol. 4: The Stars of Home (May 2025)
Star Trek #25-30 (When the Walls Fell) Star Trek, Vol. 5: When the Walls Fell (Sep 2025)
Defiant #22-24 (No Old Warriors) Star Trek: Defiant, Vol. 5: No Old Warriors (Oct 2025)
Star Trek #500 (Lore story "The Final Masterpiece")
Lore War #1 (Lore War Part 1)
Star Trek: Defiant #26 (Lore War Part 2)
Star Trek #31 (Lore War Part Three)
Star Trek: Defiant #27 (Lore War Part 4)
Star Trek #32 (Lore War Part 5)
Star Trek: Lore War - Shaxs' Worst Day
Star Trek: Omega TBA
Creative Commons License
Star Trek Comics Checklist by Mark Martinez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
This website is not endorsed, sponsored or affiliated with CBS Studios Inc. or the "Star Trek" franchise. The STAR TREK trademarks and logos are owned by CBS Studios Inc.