Star Trek Comics Checklist

Star Trek: Lower Decks - IDW ongoing series

Beginning November 2024, a new monthly series written by Ryan North that will feature episodic storytelling with each tale presented by a different artist. See the press release.

#1 Nov 2024
Star Trek: Lower Decks
Solicitation: All-New Ongoing Series! Wherein Dr. T'Ana saves the crew from a virulent, purple-boiled disease that is sure to--Wait, no, everyone's cured pretty quickly, actually. Okay... wherein Deep Space 2's distress call is mysteriously cut off and the crew has to--Wait, nope, they just needed some help resetting their comms systems. All right, wherein Mariner gets so totally frustrated with the lack of thrills aboard the Cerritos that she drags her friends into a holodeck adventure that would definitely kill them in reality! Should totally provide them all with a sense of purpose and well-being, right? Right. Or at least it would have. If the U.S.S. Bonaventure hadn't shown back up from the Delta Triangle to provide them with a real challenge. It's time to explore a ghost ship, baby!

Writer: Ryan North
Artist: Derek Charm
Letters: Clayton Cowles
Cover artist: Derek Charm

#1 Nov 2024
Star Trek: Lower Decks

Variant cover art by Megan Huang.

Writer: Ryan North
Artist: Derek Charm
Letters: Clayton Cowles
Cover artist: Megan Huang

#1 Nov 2024
Star Trek: Lower Decks

Retailer incentive variant cover 1:10.

Writer: Ryan North
Artist: Derek Charm
Letters: Clayton Cowles
Cover artist: Chris Fenoglio

#2 Dec 2024
Star Trek: Lower Decks
Solicitation: Mariner, T'Lyn, Rutherford, and Tendi have beamed off the mysterious USS Bonaventure and onto an equally mysterious surface of an unknown world, significantly raising the statistical likelihood of death and injury! Finally, the crew is up to their necks in adventure. There's the senior staff's safety to confirm, a weird planet to escape, and an alien race that wishes to learn more about mentorship... through a battle royale! Enter Jadzia Dax, Montgomery Scott, Kathyrn Janeway, T'Pol, and Jean-Luc Picard as the mentors and the Lower Deckers as the mentees. May the best student live!

Derek Charm's cover art looks like an homage to Dave Cockrum's X-Men #100 cover from 1976.

Writer: Ryan North
Artist: Derek Charm
Letterer: Clayton Cowles
Cover artist: Derek Charm

#2 Dec 2024
Star Trek: Lower Decks

Variant cover.

Writer: Ryan North
Artist: Derek Charm
Letterer: Clayton Cowles
Cover artist: Philip Murphy

#3 Jan 2025
Star Trek: Lower Decks
Solicitation: The crew of the U.S.S. Cerritos have just received their personality guidance reports from the counselors of the planet Clarew, and Rutherford feels guilty he's not engineering at a higher capacity with his implants. He should be operating above 134 percent nominal at least. The Cerritos' next mission is a supply run to Tavela Minor, but they first need to stop by the Alecto system to get some supplies to, uh, supply them with. However, just before they warp, they see the Alecto system isn't only missing; it doesn't exist. Like at all. Now they have a space mystery at hand: What could cause a whole star system to disappear?

Writer: Ryan North
Artists: Jack Lawrence, Charlie Kirchoff
Letterer: Clayton Cowles
Cover artist: Jack Lawrence

#4 Feb 2025
Star Trek: Lower Decks
Solicitation: Rutherford to bridge. We're not dead! However, after escaping a vacuum collapse of the Alecto system, the U.S.S. Cerritos is lost inside a new space-time that's expanding away from us in every direction at the speed of light. To make matters worse, an alien intelligence made of pure energy has possessed Tendi and my bodies, shunting our consciousnesses into the ship's computer. While it's a fun, flirty energy, we'd very much like our bodies back so we can pop the expanding time bubble and save our universe!

Writer: Ryan North
Artists: Jack Lawrence, Charlie Kirchoff
Letterer: Clayton Cowles
Cover artist: Jack Lawrence

#5 Mar 2025
Star Trek: Lower Decks
Solicitation: Suspicious after the Cerritos docks for its second baryon sweep in the same year, Mariner sneaks into a command meeting. There, the Department of Temporal Investigations tasks the crew with finding a time traveler who is rewriting Federation history at an alarming rate. Mariner finds her friends and tells them what's really going on... only for the timeline to change around them! Obviously, something has gone wrong with Command's mission, and per usual, it's now up to Mariner, Tendi, Rutherford, and Boimler to save the day.

Writer: Ryan North
Artists: Jack Lawrence, Charlie Kirchoff
Letterer: Clayton Cowles
Cover artist: Jack Lawrence

#6 Apr 2025
Star Trek: Lower Decks
Solicitation: When Mariner asked the Krulmuth-B portal to send her, Rutherford, Tendi, and Boimler to the moment when they could make the biggest impact on history, she meant, like, to the time period where they could help their crew the most. But they've ended up on board the Titanic! Yes, THE Titanic, and that's just the tip of the iceberg. The time traveler who's responsible for a deadly wave of Federation rewrites is still at large, and the Lower Deckers are now further than ever from stopping them.

Writer: Ryan North
Artist: Jack Lawrence
Cover artist: Jack Lawrence

#7 May 2025
Star Trek: Lower Decks
Solicitation: There's nothing quite like a mother-daughter relationship. There's also nothing quite like finding out your monolith of a captain used to be a carefree ensign who accidentally vanished her whole crew in an experiment gone wrong. Lucky for Beckett Mariner, she gets to soak up both experiences all on the same day as her mother, Captain Freeman, regales her with a throwback tale of how she was "just like you when she was young," and "mistakes help us grow, blah, blah." Meanwhile, all Mariner wants to know is how could Freeman let Pulaski get away with hair like that?

Writer: Tim Sheridan
Artist: Robby Cook
Cover artist: Robby Cook

#8 Jun 2025
Star Trek: Lower Decks
Solicitation: In a moment of mother-daughter bonding, Captain Freeman continues the story of how she was once a nobody screw-up just like Mariner! Where she last left off, Dr. Katherine Pulaski had taken the helm of the U.S.S. Illinois in its clash with a Romulan warbird-but, as feared, Pulaski's brilliant track record of crashing spacecraft isn't doing her any favors in the encounter. Freeman and Durango are called upon to save the day. If the crew is to survive, the two ensigns need to rise to the challenge of command... and fast!

Writer: Tim Sheridan
Artist: Robby Cook
Cover artist: Robby Cook

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Star Trek Comics Checklist by Mark Martinez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
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