Star Trek: Infestation
mini-series and crossover event
This two-issue mini-series is part of a crossover event infecting several IDW Publishing titles,
including Star Trek, Ghostbusters, Transformers, G.I. Joe, Zombies Vs. Robots and CVO: Covert
Vampiric Operations. The event unfolds with a framing narrative, an infestation of variant
covers, retailer incentive sew-on patches, a zombified sketchbook, and is featured on the
cover of Previews, the comic catalog, and a poster.
NOTE: This page only provides details about the Infestation comics with a Star Trek storyline
and art.
Infestation #1, January 26, 2011
Transformers: Infestation #1 and #2, February 2 and 16, 2011
Star Trek: Infestation #1 and #2, February 9 and 23, 2011
G.I. Joe: Infestation #1 and #2, March 2 and 16, 2011
Ghostbusters: Infestation #1 and #2, March 9 and 23, 2011
Infestation #2, April 6, 2011
Infestation: Pocket God, May 17, 2011 (Digital-only Pocket God/IDW universe crossover special published via IDW's Infestation Comics app for iOSs, see the Pocket Blog for more information.)
Infestation Volume One TPB, July 19, 2011
Infestation Volume Two TPB, reprinting the Star Trek comics, August 23, 2011
#266 Nov 2010
Infestion is the featured publisher release.
Cover artist: Gabriel Rodriguez
Nov 2010
Classified Secrets of Infestation
Ashcan preview of Infestation.
Cover artist: Gabriel Rodriguez
#1 Jan 2011
Solicitation: It begins here! The first-ever IDW event, which affects the Transformers, G.I. Joe,
Ghostbusters, and Star Trek universes! This dimensions-spanning storyline begins with a
specially priced 40-page story by Abnett & Lanning (The Thanos Imperative) and David Messina
(True Blood). Something goes horribly awry in the Zombies vs Robots universe, threatening to
tear many of IDW's biggest realities asunder! Don't miss the IDW event ten years in the making!
Ships with two regular covers and a retailer incentive cover. The other regular cover and the
incentive cover feature artwork from IDW's Zombies vs. Robots universe. Contains two-page
previews of each #1 issue, including Star Trek: Infestation #1.
Writers: Dan Abnett, Andy Lanning
Artist: David Messina
Cover artist: Gabriel Rodriguez
#1 Jan 2011
Variant cover.
Writers: Dan Abnett, Andy Lanning
Artist: David Messina
Cover artist: ?
#1 Jan 2011
Retailer incentive variant cover.
Writers: Dan Abnett, Andy Lanning
Artist: David Messina
Cover artist: ?
Jan 2011
Infestation: Sketchbook
Another retailer incentive for Infestation #1. Contains zombified sketches of characters from
the comic universes to be infested, including McCoy by J.K. Woodward, Kirk by Gordon Purcell,
Spock by Casey Maloney and Uhura by David Messina.
Jan 2011
Star Trek: Infestation patch
Yet another retailer incentive for Infestation #1. This is a small cloth patch, 2.5 inches in
diameter. A Transformers Infestation patch incentive was also made available with the first
issue of Infestation and more to come with Infestation #2. Will the incentive madness never end?
#1 Feb 2011
Second printing with a variant cover.
Writers: Dan Abnett, Andy Lanning
Artist: David Messina
Cover artist: Gabriel Rodriguez
#1 Feb 2011
Star Trek: Infestation
Ships with two regular covers in a 1-to-1 ratio. Contains two-page previews of the other #1 issues.
Writers: Scott Tipton, David Tipton
Artists: Gary Erskine, Casey Maloney, Luis Antonio Delgado
Cover artists: John K. Snyder III, Jason Wright
#1 Feb 2011
Star Trek: Infestation
Solicitation: The first-ever event in IDW Publishing's history crosses over into the Star Trek universe with
this two-part, bi-weekly series! A routine visit to a colony world takes a horrifying turn when
Admiral Kirk, Mr. Spock and Dr. McCoy find themselves surrounded by hordes of the undead!
Spinning out of the pages of last month's INFESTATION, this series takes the crew of the
Enterprise into a dark and deadly new direction!
Ships with two regular covers in a 1-to-1 ratio.
Writers: Scott Tipton, David Tipton
Artists: Gary Erskine, Casey Maloney, Luis Antonio Delgado
Cover artists: Casey Maloney, Gary Erskine, Luis Antonio Delgado
#1 Feb 2011
Star Trek: Infestation
Variant blank sketch cover zombie hand retailer incentive.
Writers: Scott Tipton, David Tipton
Artists: Gary Erskine, Casey Maloney, Luis Antonio Delgado
Cover artists: Gabriel Rodriguez
#1 Feb 2011
Star Trek: Infestation
Retailer incentive. This cover features hand-drawn sketches by Gordon Purcell on the zombie hand
cover art by Gabriel Rodriguez. Purcell did 400 covers for this issue; about 200 Kirks, 100
Spocks and 100 McCoys. Some of the Kirks were from the waist up and others were head shots.
He only had about 10 days to draw the covers. During that time, he also inked a cover for
Star Trek: Infestation #2 and drew four Godzilla incentive covers. A busy artist.
Writers: Scott Tipton, David Tipton
Artists: Gary Erskine, Casey Maloney, Luis Antonio Delgado
Cover artists: Gordon Purcell, Gabriel Rodriguez
#2 Feb 2011
Star Trek: Infestation
Ships with two regular covers in a 1-to-1 ratio.
Writers: Scott Tipton, David Tipton
Artists: Gary Erskine, Casey Maloney, Luis Antonio Delgado
Cover artists: John K. Snyder III, Jason Wright
#2 Feb 2011
Star Trek: Infestation
Solicitation: The second chapter of a bi-weekly Infestation tie-in! Admiral Kirk, Mr. Spock
and Dr. McCoy fight for their lives against mobs of zombie colonists! Will they be able to
prevent the Infestation from spreading throughout the Federation? And will they discover
the greater threat behind the undead invasion in time to save themselves?!
Ships with two regular covers in a 1-to-1 ratio.
Writers: Scott Tipton, David Tipton
Artists: Gary Erskine, Casey Maloney, Luis Antonio Delgado
Cover artists: Casey Maloney, Gordon Purcell, Luis Antonio Delgado, Gabriel Rodriguez
#2 Feb 2011
Star Trek: Infestation
Retailer incentive variant cover.
Writers: Scott Tipton, David Tipton
Artists: Gary Erskine, Casey Maloney, Luis Antonio Delgado
Cover artist: ?
#2 Apr 2011
Solicitation: This is it! IDW's first-ever mega event ends here! Britt has returned from the universes of TRANSFORMERS, GHOSTBUSTERS, G.I. JOE and STAR TREK, armed with new technology that will spread the Infestation across all known realities. Zombie apocalypse looms and the remaining members of CVO are running out of option... humanity's last hope may be a risky sacrifice that could alter the IDW universe forever!
Ships with two regular covers and two retailer incentive covers.
Writers: Dan Abnett, Andy Lanning
Artist: David Messina
Cover artist: David Messina
#2 Apr 2011
Variant cover.
Writers: Dan Abnett, Andy Lanning
Artist: David Messina
Cover artist: ?
#2 Apr 2011
Retailer incentive sketch cover.
Writers: Dan Abnett, Andy Lanning
Artist: David Messina
Cover artist: David Messina
Apr 2011
Infestation: Sketchbook - Variant Cover
Retailer incentive sketchbook variant cover. Same content as the sketchbook released with
Infestation #1. Features J.K. Woodward's zombified McCoy on the cover.
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