Star Trek newspaper strip in Hindi
Gowarsons Comics published popular American comics in Hindi. This issue reprinted a Star Trek newspaper strip translated into Hindi.
#43 Mar 19-25 1984
Star Trek - Bhayanak Hatyara
Reprints a chapter of the L.A. Times Star Trek newspaper strip (#12: The Wristwatch Plantation 3/1/82-7/17/82) in color formatted as a comic book.
Writers: Sharman DiVono, Larry Niven
Artist: Ron Harris
Cover Artist: ?
#43 Mar 19-25 1984
Star Trek - Bhayanak Hatyara
This edition seems to be some kind of variant with the logo ET on the cover. Or is it a sticker? You tell me!
Writers: Sharman DiVono, Larry Niven
Artist: Ron Harris
Cover Artist: ?
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