Star Trek Comics Trading Cards
Star Trek 25th Anniversary Trading Cards, Series I
Impel Marketing
Cards #131, 135, 137, 139, 148, 150 and 152 feature cover art from
Star Trek and Star Trek: The Next Generation comics.
Original Crew Series One
Personality Comics
36 cards and a checklist card.
Original Crew Series Two
Personality Comics
36 cards and a checklist card.
New Crew Series One
Personality Comics
37 cards and a title card.
New Crew Series Two
Personality Comics
36 cards and a checklist card.
Nov 1993
William Shatner's Tekworld Trading Cards
CARDZ Distribution
100-card set featuring a story serialized on 80 of the cards.
Jake lands a client who thinks her Tek scientist husband is
dead, although he just called her the night before.
80-card comic story, 8 character cards, 7 jargon cards, 3
checklist cards, 1 book cover card, 1 TV movie card, and 4
TekChrome bonus chase cards. Also available as a complete set
with an illustrated binder and a photo card of Shatner.
(Ron Goulart; Lee Sullivan)
Mar 2004
The Quotable Star Trek Original Series
Rittenhouse Archives
Bonus card set GK1-GK9, distributed with this
trading card set, 1:20 packs. The nine cards feature artwork, quotes, and
the photo covers of Gold Key Star Trek comics #1-9.
Apr 2005
The Quotable Star Trek: The Next Generation
Rittenhouse Archives
Bonus card set CB1-CB6 of ST:TNG comic book cards, 1:14 per pack.
Nov 2005
Art & Images of Star Trek: The Original Series Trading Cards
Rittenhouse Archives
This set of trading cards includes imagery
from all 79 episodes of the original series. Chase cards include the Comic Book
Art of Star Trek featuring remastered artwork from all 61 Gold Key comics, GK01-GK61.
Aug 2007
The Quotable Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Rittenhouse Archives
Bonus card set CB1-CB9 of ST:DS9 comic book cards, 1:35 per pack.
Nov 2015
Star Trek: The Next Generation Portfolio Prints Series One
Rittenhouse Archives
Chase card sets of 40 Comic Book cards and 40 Comic Book Archive Cuts.
Jul 2016
Star Trek: The Next Generation Portfolio Prints Series Two
Rittenhouse Archives
Chase card sets of 40 Comic Book cards and 40 Comic Book Archive Cuts.
Aug 2016
Star Trek 50 Artists 50 Years
Rittenhouse Archives
100 card set featuring art and comic art from the book.
Mar 2018
Star Trek Deep Space Nine: Heroes & Villains
Rittenhouse Archives
Chase card set of Deep Space Nine Comic Cuts CC01-CC15.
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