Star Trek Comics Checklist

Star Trek: The Daily Strip Proofs

During the four year run of the Star Trek newspaper strip, 1254 black & white daily strips were published, 12/3/1979 thru 12/3/1983. The Los Angeles Times Syndicate initially provided 12-inch by 18-inch pre-production proofs printed on glossy heavy-weight paper with camera-ready copy of six daily strips. Each sheet was labeled with a date like "Release Week of December 3-8, 1979".

For example, here is the proof for the first week of the strip.

December 3-8, 1979

Proofs with six strips probably shipped folded in half. This release format was used at least through the week of September 29-October 4, 1980, which may have been the last with a full week of strips.

September 29-October 4, 1980

The proof format may have changed starting with the release for October 6-8 1980, when newspapers received 8.5-inch by 11-inch sheets of matte paper with camera-ready copy of three daily strips. These sheets were labeled with dates like "Release for October 6, 7, 8, 1980", "October 20, 21, 22, 1980", "Release for November 3,4 & 5, 1980", or "Release December 1,2,3, 1980".

October 6, 7, 8, 1980

This proof format continued until the end of the strip in 1983.

December 1, 2, 3, 1983

Proofs for the color Sunday strip were probably customized for each page format: half, tab, third and quarter. A Sunday proof consisted of four images: black for the strip and three color separations.

This is the 11-inch by 16-inch half page color separation for printing the black component of the September 13, 1981 Sunday strip.

September 13, 1981

This is the 11-inch by 16-inch half page color separation for printing the blue component of the September 13, 1981 Sunday strip.

September 13, 1981

This is the 11-inch by 16-inch half page color separation for printing the red component of the September 13, 1981 Sunday strip.

September 13, 1981

This is the 11-inch by 16-inch half page color separation for printing the yellow component of the September 13, 1981 Sunday strip.

September 13, 1981

These are the 11-inch by 16-inch quarter page color separations for printing the black and blue components of the May 16, 1982 Sunday strip.

May 16, 1982

These are the quarter page color separations for printing the red and yellow components of the May 16, 1982 Sunday strip.

May 16, 1982

If you have more information about publishing the Star Trek newspaper comic strip to contribute, please contact me at stcomix at mac dot com.

Meanwhile, here's a video by comics historian Glenn Fleishman, explaining how comics got to the pages of your newspaper from the artist's drawing board.