Star Trek Comics Checklist

Gold Key, Marvel and DC Star Trek Mark Jewelers variant comics

A Mark Jewelers variant is a comic that contains a Mark Jewelers advertisement inserted and bound in the centerfold of the comic. Mark Jewelers ads are found in comics published in the early 1970s and again in the 1980s. Early ads were printed on cardboard paper and in later years the ads were printed on slick paper. For issues dated October 1980 and later, the Mark Jewelers inserts were placed in newsstand editions. There are many different versions of the inserts offering jewelry and engagement rings. These comics were sold in newsstands on or near US military bases. The total number of copies of any given issue that contain Mark Jewelers inserts is not known. This is one more odd variant of Star Trek comics to collect if you are so inclined. In the table below, confirmed Mark Jewelers variants have a cover price. A question mark only indicates that a Mark Jewelers variant might exist. This is a work in progress and there may be issues missing from this table. See What the heck is a Mark Jewelers variant?, Military Insert Mania, and Mark Jewelers variants in DC Comics for more information.

NOTE: Gold Key Star Trek issues #11 thru #15 have Mark Jewelers ads printed on regular pages of the comic books. It's possible that all DC Star Trek comics published thru July 1986 might have Mark Jewelers variants.

PublisherIssueDateCover Price
Gold Key16Nov 197215c
Gold Key17Feb 197315c
Gold Key18May 197315c
Gold Key19Jul 197320c
Gold Key20Sep 197320c
Gold Key21Nov 197320c
Gold Key22Jan 197420c
Gold Key23Mar 197420c
Gold Key24May 197420c
Gold Key25Jul 197425c
Gold Key26Sep 1974?
Marvel (1st series)16nOct 1981?
Marvel (1st series)17nDec 1981?
Marvel (1st series)18nFeb 198260¢
DC (1st series)1nFeb 198475¢
DC (1st series)2nMar 198475¢
DC (1st series)3nApr 198475¢
DC (1st series)4nMay 198475¢
DC (1st series)5nJun 198475¢
DC (1st series)6nJul 198475¢
DC (1st series)7nAug 198475¢
DC (1st series)8nNov 198475¢
DC (1st series)9nDec 198475¢
DC (1st series)10nJan 198575¢
DC (1st series)11nFeb 198575¢
DC (1st series)12nMar 198575¢
DC (1st series)13nApr 198575¢
DC (1st series)14nMay 198575¢
DC (1st series)15nJun 198575¢
DC (1st series)16nJul 198575¢
DC (1st series)17nAug 198575¢
DC (1st series)18nSep 198575¢
DC (1st series)19nOct 1985?
DC (1st series)20nNov 198575¢
DC (1st series)21nDec 198575¢
DC (1st series)22nJan 198675¢
DC (1st series)23nFeb 198675¢
DC (1st series)24nMar 198675¢
DC (1st series)25nApr 198675¢
DC (1st series)26nMay 1986?
DC (1st series)27nJun 1986?
DC (1st series)28nJul 198675¢