The Daily Mail is a British daily tabloid newspaper published in London. The L.A. Times syndicated Star Trek newspaper strip was published in The Daily Mail for a time. The newspaper's editors apparently felt that strip writer/artist Thomas Warkentin's American English dialogue occasionally needed to be translated for British readers.
For example, here is the original daily strip for December 8, 1979. McCoy says "I'd sooner defibrillate a Gorn, than go up in a crate like this!"
Compare that to the same strip published in The Daily Mail. McCoy says "I'd sooner try to kiss a robot, than go up in a crate like this!"
We know from the British Star Trek comic strips that Brits like their robots, but why no love for the Gorn? There are probably more British translations of the L.A. Times Star Trek newspaper strip published in The Daily Mail. If you can provide scans or snapshots of translated strips, please send them to stcomix at mac dot com.