Star Trek: The Next Generation
graphic novels
Jan 2001
The Gorn crisis
Picard and the Enterprise travel to the Gorn homeworld to ask for
help fighting the Dominion, but the Black Crest faction of Gorn have
staged a coup. Intent on expanding the Gorn Empire, they begin with
assaults on a Federation outpost defended by Riker and Klingon allies,
while Picard sorts out the situation at the Gorn royal court.
Stardate 51701.3
Also includes "The Gorn dossier" by Kordey. Hardcover with dustjacket.
Painted interior artwork and cover. ISBN 1-56389-754-7. This story
is referenced in TNG novel, Doors into chaos, by Bob Greenberger.
Writer: Kevin J. Anderson
Writer: Rebecca Moesta
Artist: Igor Kordey
Sep 2002
The Gorn crisis
Trade paperback reprint; indicia has the same publication date and
ISBN as the hardcover original. ISBN 1-56389-926-4
Oct 2001
In 2052, Colin Blakeney makes a breakthrough in transporter research
despite personal tragedy and violent opposition, but his first attempt
at transporting a human is sabotaged. Over 300 years later, La Forge
diverts a stray transporter carrier wave into an Enterprise pattern
buffer, and Blakeney rematerializes. While Data and Dr. Crusher try
to help Blakeney remember what happened to him with a holodeck
simulation, the Dominion war is on everyone's mind. Picard must help
a Federation ambassador handle a difficult diplomatic situation.
Everyone learns a lesson in humility and hope.
Hardcover with
dustjacket. Painted interior artwork and cover. Includes a 3-page
sketchbook by Hampton. ISBN 1-56389-850-0
Writer: David Brin
Artist: Scott Hampton
Oct 2002
Trade paperback reprint; indicia has the same publication date and
ISBN as the hardcover original. ISBN 1-56389-918-3
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