Star Trek: Divided We Fall
TNG/DS9 mini-series
Continues the DS9 relaunch. Dax has transferred to command and Bashir
has been promoted. Nog runs Engineering. Ro Laren is security chief.
Elias Vaughn, a respected Starfleet officer with an intelligence
background is Kira's second-in-command. Kasidy Yates is coming to
terms with the significance of her pregnancy to the Bajoran faithful.
Jake badly misses his father and Odo is still with the Great Link.
These and other details have been established by Paramount and Pocket
Books beginning with "Avatar, Book One" and "Avatar, Book Two" by
S.D. Perry, published by Pocket Books, May 2001.
#1 Jul 2001
The Enterprise answers a distress call from a Trill ship carrying
Ambassador Odan (The Host [TNG]). Dr. Lenara Kahn (Rejoined [DS9])
is kidnapped on the Trill homeworld and Ezri Dax is instructed to
bring a ransom to Trill. Deanna Troi learns that a violent faction of
Trill calling themselves Purists are attacking joined Trill. Bashir
fails to prevent Ezri's abduction by Verad (Invasive Procedures [DS9]),
leader of the Purists.
Writers: John J. Ordover, David Mack
Artists: Andrew Currie, Richard Bennett, David Roach
Cover artists: Currie, Bennett, Alex Sinclair
#2 Aug 2001
No quarter
While Bashir tries to revive Dr. Lenara Kahn, Verad painfully
extracts information from Ezri and the Dax symbiont. In orbit
around Trill, the Enterprise and the Defiant try to trace Verad's
location while Crusher and Troi take Odan to the caves of Mak'ala
(Equilibrium [DS9]). Verad plans to start killing symbionts at
the caves.
Writers: John J. Ordover, David Mack
Artists: Andrew Currie, Michael Collins, David Roach, Richard Bennett, John Nyberg
Cover artist:
#3 Sep 2001
All fall down
Crusher and Troi prevent the destruction of the symbiont pools at
the caves. Crusher and Bashir then discover that Verad has infected
the Trill population with a retrovirus that means a death sentence
for all joined Trill. While Starfleet tries to locate Verad, infected
Trill are quarantined. Crusher is joined with Odan in hopes of finding
a cure. Picard becomes certain that there is more to Verad's plan
than they know.
Writers: John J. Ordover, David Mack
Artists: Michael Collins, David Roach
Cover artist:
#4 Oct 2001
United we stand
While Enterprise and Defiant try to stop unmanned weapons drones
from laying waste to the surface of Trill, crewmembers on the
planet work feverishly to innoculate joined Trill and stop the
retrovirus. Afterwards, Bashir and Crusher take stock of the
impact on their personal lives.
Stardate 53181.9
Writers: John J. Ordover, David Mack
Artists: Andrew Currie, Richard Bennett
Cover artist: