All issues of the first monthly Star Trek series and the first six-issue Star Trek: The Next Generation mini-series were distributed via direct market and at newsstands. You can view all the DC first series price and logo variant covers (a work in progress).
#1 Feb 1984
The wormhole connection
Kirk is given command of the Enterprise again
and assigned to investigate the destruction of a Federation
starship by Klingons. Kirk, Saavik, and an ensign discover that
the Klingons have built a space station on the other side of a
Stardate 8141.5
The first story in this series takes place after the events of
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. Spock is dead, and Saavik has replaced him as
science officer. Part one of a four-part story arc.
Writer: Mike W. Barr
Penciller: Tom Sutton
Inker: Ricardo Villagran
Cover artist: George Perez
#2 Mar 1984
The only good Klingon
Saavik provides a diversion while Kirk and Ensign Bryce sabotage
the Klingon station. After escaping back to the Enterprise, the
crew learns that the Klingons have declared war on the Federation.
Stardate 8149.2
Part two of a four-part story arc.
Writer: Mike W. Barr
Penciller: Tom Sutton
Inker: Ricardo Villagran
Cover artist: George Perez
#3 Apr 1984
Errand of war
The Federation-Klingon war is being orchestrated by Excalbians
(The Savage Curtain). Defying orders, Kirk heads for Organia
where he finds the planet shrouded in a black field that absorbs
all energy. After a brief battle with the Klingons, Kirk
captures his old adversary, Captain Kor (Errand of Mercy), and
an Excalbian appears aboard Enterprise.
Stardate 8150.7
Part three of a four-part story arc.
Writer: Mike W. Barr
Penciller: Tom Sutton
Inker: Ricardo Villagran
Cover artist: George Perez
#4 May 1984
Deadly allies
Yarnek, the Excalbian, tells Kirk that his first investigation
of good and evil was inconclusive. The Excalbians have
engineered the entrapment of Organia and a Federation-Klingon
war. Kor and his crew help the Enterprise penetrate the black
field. Kirk convinces the Excalbian to join the play directly by
taking on the Organians. The Excalbians and Organians disappear.
The Federation and the Klingon Empire are free to chart their
own course.
Stardate 8151.7
Conclusion of a four-part story arc.
Writer: Mike W. Barr
Penciller: Tom Sutton
Inker: Ricardo Villagran
Cover artists: Sutton, Villagran
#5 Jun 1984
Mortal gods
A former student of Kirk's is the only survivor of a battle with
a Klingon ship. He lands on a primitive planet and becomes a
god. Kirk and his crew must minimize the impact without further
violations of the Prime Directive.
Stardate 8163.5
Writer: Mike W. Barr
Penciller: Tom Sutton
Inker: Sal Amendola
Cover artists: Sutton, Amendola
#6 Jul 1984
Who is Enigma?
Peace talks between the Federation and the Klingon Empire are
threatened by Enigma, a shape-shifting revolutionary, who is
determined to kill Ambassador Robert Fox (A Taste of Armageddon).
Stardate 8173.5
Writer: Mike W. Barr
Penciller: Tom Sutton
Inker: Ricardo Villagran
Cover artists: Sutton, Sal Amendola
#7 Aug 1984
Pon Farr
Saavik enters pon farr. She tells Kirk and McCoy how she met
Spock and about her bonding with Xon. Kirk directs the
Enterprise to Vulcan. On arrival, Saavik learns that Xon is on a
secret mission. She obtains information of his whereabouts and
takes a ship to the rim of the galaxy, with the Enterprise close behind.
Stardate 8180.1
Part one of a two-part story arc, the origin of Saavik.
Writer: Mike W. Barr
Penciller: Eduardo Barreto
Inker: Ricardo Villagran
Cover artists: Dan Day, Dick Giordano
#8 Nov 1984
Blood fever
Saavik finds Xon, who is masquerading as a Romulan to learn the
secrets of a bioengineering technique which threatens the
Federation. The Romulans discover Xon's treachery and begin
interrogating him. The Enterprise finds Saavik and frees Xon,
then lures the Romulans into the energy barrier at the galaxy's rim.
Stardate 8185.35
Conclusion of a two-part story arc. Star Trek III: The Search for Spock is the next episode
in continuity.
Writer: Mike W. Barr
Penciller: Tom Sutton
Inker: Ricardo Villagran
Cover artists: Sutton, Joe Orlando
#9 Dec 1984
Promises to keep
After visiting with Spock, Kirk and his colleagues decide to
return to Earth aboard the Klingon bird-of-prey. At Space
Station Regula I, they ponder their future and attend a memorial
service for Davis Marcus (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan). Meanwhile, in another
universe, Captain Kirk (Mirror, Mirror) destroys Space Station
Regula I with Dr. Carol Marcus (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan) aboard, after
obtaining vital data from her. The Empire is preparing to
conquer another universe.
Stardate 8215.5
Part one of an eight-part story arc, New frontiers, also known as
the Mirror universe saga. This story arc was scripted before
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home.
Writer: Mike W. Barr
Penciller: Tom Sutton
Inker: Ricardo Villagran
Cover artists: Sutton, Villagran
#10 Jan 1985
Double image
The Empire's Enterprise breaks through into Federation space and
heads for Regula I. Captain Styles (Star Trek III: The Search for Spock) is headed there
also, to pick up Kirk and his crew. Taking the bird-of-prey in
tow, Excelsior leaves for Earth. The Enterprise attacks a
starship and continues on towards Regula I. The Excelsior
returns to engage the intruder, but is boarded and captured by
the Empire.
Stardate 8216.4
Part two of an eight-part story arc.
Writer: Mike W. Barr
Penciller: Tom Sutton
Inker: Ricardo Villagran
Cover artists: Sutton, Villagran
#11 Feb 1985
Deadly reflection
The Empire's Kirk sends Spock to Vulcan to retrieve the
Federation's Spock. Kirk and his crew escape from Excelsior to
the Enterprise, where they find Marlena Moreau
(Mirror, Mirror)
and take over the ship. On Vulcan, Spock finds Spock
still recovering and mind-melds with him. Excelsior pursues
Enterprise. After a brief battle, the Empire's Kirk starts the
auto-destruct sequence aboard the Enterprise and Kirk can't stop it.
Stardate 8217.2
Part three of an eight-part story arc.
Writer: Mike W. Barr
Penciller: Tom Sutton
Inker: Ricardo Villagran
Cover artists: Sutton, Villagran
#12 Mar 1985
The Tantalus trap
The Empire's Spock and his Federation counterpart engage in a
mind-meld duel until one is defeated. Before the Enterprise
self-destructs, Scotty and Saavik manage to separate the saucer
section from the warp drive. Using the Tantalus field, Kirk
disables Excelsior and captures his Empire counterpart. Scotty
and Saavik repair Excelsior and modify the transwarp engines to
travel into Empire space. Kirk plans to stop the Empire's
invasion. As they leave, both Spocks returns from Vulcan.
Stardate 8217.8
Part four of an eight-part story arc.
Writer: Mike W. Barr
Penciller: Tom Sutton
Inker: Ricardo Villagran
Cover artists: Sutton, Villagran
#13 Apr 1985
The Federation's Kirk meets with David Marcus and other leaders
of the underground fighting to free themselves from Empire rule.
Both Spocks arrive in the alternate universe and join Kirk on
Excelsior. The Empire's Spock has lost his hatred and has agreed
to help overthrow the Empire. Kirk has convinced the Empire to
let him lead an invasion fleet to his own universe, where he
will turn on them. A spy learns of Kirk's plans and the invasion
fleet turns on Excelsior.
Stardate 8220.3
Part five of an eight-part story arc.
Writer: Mike W. Barr
Penciller: Tom Sutton
Inker: Ricardo Villagran
Cover artist:
#14 May 1985
Behind enemy lines
His plan to sabotage the Empire invasion discovered, Kirk
follows David Marcus' suggestion to free scientists from a
prison planet to assist with the rebellion. Kirk sends both
Spocks and Konom, a Klingon serving aboard Excelsior, to the
Klingon homeworld to seek an alliance.
Stardate 8221.6
Part six of an eight-part story arc.
Writer: Mike W. Barr
Penciller: Tom Sutton
Inker: Ricardo Villagran
Cover artists: Sutton, Magyar ?
#15 Jun 1985
The beginning of the end
Kirk builds a shaky alliance with the Klingons and Romulans in
the Empire's universe. Using a device that disables
transtator-based technology, most of the Empire's fleet is
defeated. Kirk, in Excelsior, fights one last battle against the
Empire's Excelsior-class starship. Kirk turns over the defeated
Empire fleet to David Marcus to continue the fight. The Empire's
Kirk escapes in a shuttle, but is caught by an Empire starship.
Excelsior returns home.
Stardate 8223.4
Part seven of an eight-part story arc.
Writer: Mike W. Barr
Penciller: Tom Sutton
Inker: Ricardo Villagran
Cover artist:
#16 Jul 1985
On arrival in his own universe, Kirk and his crew are arrested
by Captain Styles. To plead his case, Kirk secretly transmits the
Excelsior's log on an open channel. The broadcast is picked up
by the press and he returns home a hero. Kirk is given command
of Excelsior and Spock takes command of science vessel Surak.
Stardate 8218.4
Conclusion of an eight-part story arc.
Writer: Mike W. Barr
Penciller: Tom Sutton
Inker: Ricardo Villagran
Cover artists: Tom Sutton, Klaus Janson, Anthony Tollin
#17 Aug 1985
The D'Artagnan three
Sulu, Uhura, and Bearclaw investigate a space station for
evidence of smuggling while Kirk, in Excelsior, tracks down the
source of smuggled dilithium crystals. Sulu, in his first
command, learns that the smugglers are also slavers, and
engineers their capture.
Stardate 8263.5
Writer: L.B. Kellogg
Penciller: Tom Sutton
Inker: Ricardo Villagran
Cover artists: Sutton, Janson
#18 Sep 1985
Rest and recreation
On shore leave, Scotty stumbles onto a drug processing operation
which threatens the safety of a starbase. With the help of a
Starfleet cadet, he manages to put a stop to the drug operation.
Stardate 8293.6
Writer: Paul Kupperberg
Penciller: Tom Sutton
Inker: Ricardo Villagran
Cover artist:
#19 Oct 1985
Chekov's choice
Chekov incites the crew of the Enterprise to mutiny while the
ship is out of control and on a collision course for an asteroid.
Stardate 6714.3
This story is set between Star Trek: The Motion Picture and Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan.
Writer: Walter Koenig
Artist: Dan Spiegle
Cover artists: Sutton, Villagran
#20 Nov 1985
Sulu attends a family wedding and winds up in a battle for his
life to prevent a murder.
Stardate 8293.6
Wenonah Woods is a pseudonym of Laurie Sutton.
Writer: Wenonah Woods
Penciller: Tom Sutton
Inker: Ricardo Villagran
Cover artists: Sutton, Wray
#21 Dec 1985
Spock and the crew of the Surak arrive at an unexplored planet.
Beaming down with two crewmembers, Spock finds himself alone, in
a dream. He must find his way out of the dream and save the rest
of his landing party.
Stardate 8293.6
Writer: Bob Rozakis
Penciller: Tom Sutton
Inker: Ricardo Villagran
Cover artist: Tom Sutton, Bill Wray
#22 Jan 1986
The wolf
Redjac (Wolf in the Fold) returns to spread fear and murder
aboard Excelsior, and to take revenge on Kirk. Lured to a planet
whose inhabitants worship Redjac, Kirk and his landing party
discover that Redjac inhabits the body of one of their own.
Stardate 8878.1
Part one of a two-part story arc, Wolf on the prowl.
Writer: Tony Isabella
Penciller: Tom Sutton
Inker: Ricardo Villagran
Cover artist:
#23 Feb 1986
Wolf at the door
Redjac kills several crewmembers and taunts Kirk unmercifully.
Scotty manages to adjust the shields to prevent Redjac from
entering the ship and with Saavik's help, creates a wormhole
which draws Redjac into another universe.
Stardate 8818.4
Conclusion of a two-part story arc.
Writer: Tony Isabella
Penciller: Tom Sutton
Inker: Ricardo Villagran
Cover artists: Cowan, Janson
#24 Mar 1986
Double blind
The Ajir demand that Kirk surrender Excelsior. Since the Ajir
ship has no shields and very little power, Kirk surrenders in
order to learn what these beings are up to. They claim to be a
conquering race but turn out to be more like children. Then the
Grond show up.
Part one of a two-part story arc.
Writer: Diane Duane
Penciller: Tom Sutton
Inker: Ricardo Villagran
Cover artist: Jim Starlin
#25 Apr 1986
Double blind
Kirk surrenders to the Grond also. He learns that both the Ajir
and the Grond have adopted an aggressive posture for protection,
but their homeworlds are economically depressed. Kirk convinces
them that the Federation can help and they return Excelsior to
the Federation.
Stardate 8890.1
Conclusion of a two-part story arc.
Writer: Diane Duane
Penciller: Tom Sutton
Inker: Ricardo Villagran
Cover artist: Jim Starlin
#26 May 1986
The trouble with transporters
Exploring a newly discovered planet, Spock and the Surak
encounter transporter problems and a Romulan attack on a landing party.
Stardate 8892.3
Writer: Bob Rozakis
Artist: Tom Sutton
Cover artists: Ricardo Villagran; Brozowski, Gio ?
#27 Jun 1986
Around the clock
A day in the life of Excelsior's crew.
Stardate 8988.3
Writer: Robert Greenberger
Penciller: Tom Sutton
Inker: Ricardo Villagran
Cover artists: Brozowski, Villagran, Zaffino
#28 Jul 1986
The last word
After a crewman falls into a coma following the death of a close
friend, McCoy can't find any physical cause. Since he carried
Spock's marbles for a while, he tries to mind-meld with his
patient and succeeds in bringing him out of the coma.
Stardate 8899.7
Writer: Diane Duane
Artist: Gray Morrow
Cover artists: Brozowski, Villagran
#29 Aug 1986
The trouble with Bearclaw
While Kirk is inundated with Excelsior paperwork, an away team of
mixed race gets into trouble on a planetary survey. Bearclaw is
insubordinate to his alien colleagues, but manages to keep
everyone alive.
Stardate 8901.1
Writer: Tony Isabella
Penciller: Tom Sutton
Inker: Ricardo Villagran
Cover artist:
#30 Sep 1986
Uhura's story
Flashback to Uhura's first mission after assignment to the
Enterprise. Uhura commandeers a shuttle to rescue Kirk and his
landing party from Klingons.
Stardate 9142.50 and 1297.80
Writer: Paul Kupperberg
Penciller: Carmine Infantino
Inker: Ricardo Villagran
Cover artist:
#31 Oct 1986
Maggie's world
Excelsior escorts a Federation ambassador to a planet under
development by Federation and Klingon interests. The natives are
leaning toward alignment with the Klingons. When Excelsior
arrives, a Federation mining operation is sabotaged.
Stardate 8903.6
Part one of a two-part story arc.
Writers: Tony Isabella, Len Wein
Penciller: Tom Sutton
Inker: Ricardo Villagran
Cover artists: Brozowski, Marcos
#32 Nov 1986
Judgement day
The governor of Maggie's world learns who sabotaged the
Federation mining facility and with Excelsior's help, obtains
proof. The natives vote for Klingon jurisdiction, but Kirk and
the governor secure concessions for the Federation.
Stardate 8904.6
Conclusion of a two-part story arc.
Writer: Len Wein
Penciller: Tom Sutton
Inker: Ricardo Villagran
Cover artist:
#33 Dec 1986
Vicious circle
After being hurled back to 1960's Earth (Tomorrow Is Yesterday),
the Enterprise attempts to return home, but
overshoots by 20 years. Meeting Excelsior and their older
selves, time ripples begin to tear apart the universe. The
Guardian of Forever (The City on the Edge of Forever) is their
only hope.
Stardate 3114.1 and 8906.3
20th anniversary issue.
Writer: Len Wein
Penciller: Tom Sutton
Inker: Ricardo Villagran
Cover artist: Bingham
#34 Jan 1987
Death ship
Responding to an emergency signal from the Surak, Excelsior
finds the entire crew dead except for Spock. The ship's log
reveals that an Andorian carried some kind of plague aboard.
Meanwhile, diplomatic relations with the Romulans have broken
down and Excelsior must pursue a shuttle with the Andorian
aboard, into the Romulan neutral zone.
Stardate 8906.3
Part one of a three-part story arc, the doomsday bug.
Writer: Len Wein
Penciller: Tom Sutton
Inker: Ricardo Villagran
Cover artists: Brozowski, Smith
#35 Feb 1987
Stand off
Excelsior is in a stand-off with Romulan warships while Kirk
tries to convince their commander that a plague carrier
threatens the Empire. When Romulan crewmen begin dying, one of
the Romulan ships breaks formation, heading for the homeworld.
The other Romulans and Excelsior pursue. The Federation sends
Captain Styles to bring Kirk and Excelsior back to Federation space.
Stardate 8907.5
Part two of a three-part story arc.
Writer: Len Wein
Artist: Gray Morrow
Cover artists: Brozowski, Montano
#36 Mar 1987
The apocalypse scenario
Scotty uses a modified transporter to filter the doomsday bug
from the Romulans. Spock's body recovers from the effects of the
plague but his mind is in chaos. Kirk and his closest friends
take a bird-of-prey to Vulcan to get help.
Stardate 8908.3
Conclusion of a three-part story arc. This story restores
continuity for Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home.
Writer: Len Wein
Artist: Gray Morrow
Cover artists: Brozowski, Marcos
#37 Apr 1987
Following Kirk's demotion to captain and reassignment to the
Enterprise, his fellow officers consider their future and rejoin
him for new adventures. A religious fanatic attempts to destroy
the newly refitted Enterprise, but is thwarted by Spock.
Stardate 8925.2
ST:TAS characters Lt. Arex (One of Our Planets is Missing)
and Lt. M'Ress (The Survivor)
make the first of several appearances in this series (#37, #39, #40, #46-55).
M'Ress has the hots for Sulu.
Writer: Len Wein
Penciller: Curt Swan
Inker: Pablo Marcos
Cover artist: Wray
#38 May 1987
The Argon affair
While the Enterprise undergoes repairs following a battle with
Argonian pirates, Kirk saves a beautiful young woman from
pirates. On board the Enterprise, she tries to sabotage the ship
and is revealed as an Argonian spy.
Stardate 3847.5
Writer: Michael Fleisher
Penciller: Adam Kubert
Inker: Ricardo Villagran
Cover artist:
#39 Jun 1987
When you wish upon a star
Trapped by an unknown force, the Enterprise is taken to an
unexplored planet. A landing party led by Spock attempts to
transport to the surface, but Kirk, McCoy, and Scotty are
transported with them. They find themselves on some kind of
amusement planet ruled by Harry Mudd (Mudd's Women).
Stardate 8931.2
Part one of a two-part story arc, the return of Mudd.
Writer: Len Wein
Penciller: Tom Sutton
Inker: Ricardo Villagran
Cover artist:
#40 Jul 1987
Mudd's magic
Mudd explains to Kirk that he landed on the amusement planet by
accident and wished for help getting off-planet. The Enterprise
is the answer to his wish. The landing party learns that the
planet is really a nursery. Spock mind-melds with the artifact
controlling the planet and the Enterprise is freed.
Stardate 8932.3
Conclusion of a two-part story arc.
Writer: Len Wein
Penciller: Tom Sutton
Inker: Ricardo Villagran
Cover artist:
#41 Aug 1987
What goes around
The Enterprise responds to a distress call from a merchant ship
under attack by Orion pirates. The pirates have hostages aboard
their ship, and the merchant ship in tow, when the Enterprise
arrives. Thanks to another miracle from Scotty, the hostages are
rescued and the pirates captured.
Stardate 8950.4
Writer: Michael Carlin
Penciller: Tom Sutton
Inker: Ricardo Villagran
Cover artists: Brozowski, Lewis
#42 Sep 1987
The corbomite effect
The Enterprise is beset by numerous glitches. Scotty insists
that gremlins are responsible and Kirk orders him to take a few
days off. Scotty manages to rid the Enterprise of the gremlins
in spite of the fact that no one believes him.
Stardate 8953.7
Writer: Michael Carlin
Penciller: Tom Sutton
Inker: Ricardo Villagran
Cover artists: Brozowski, Lewis
#43 Oct 1987
Paradise lost
Returning to Gamma Trianguli VI (The Apple) after 20 years,
Kirk finds a desolate world and a despotic ruler who takes the
landing party prisoner. The landing party manages to escape, but
on board the Enterprise, no one is responding.
Stardate 8954.8
Part one of a three-part story arc, the return of the serpent.
Writer: Michael Carlin
Penciller: Tom Sutton
Inker: Ricardo Villagran
Cover artists: Brozowski, Lewis
#44 Nov 1987
Past perfect
The followers of Vaal capture Kirk and his landing party for a
sacrifice. They use powers taught by Vaal to draw the Enterprise
out of orbit, to the surface. Spock convinces them to stop by
offering to restore Vaal. Scotty sends a team of storm-troopers
to free the landing party. Spock has been plugged into Vaal's systems.
Stardate 8958.6
Part two of a three-part story arc.
Writer: Michael Carlin
Penciller: Tom Sutton
Inker: Ricardo Villagran
Cover artists: Jerome Moore, Lewis
#45 Dec 1987
Devil down below
Spock joins with Vaal to restore power to the protective
computer system. Kirk admits he was wrong to destroy Vaal and
Spock nearly gives up his life to put Gamma Trianguli VI back on course.
Stardate 8960.2
Conclusion of a three-part story arc.
Writer: Michael Carlin
Penciller: Tom Sutton
Inker: Ricardo Villagran
Cover artists: Brozowski, Lewis
#46 Jan 1988
On shore leave, Kirk is dogged by a Federation quality control
expert assigned to the Enterprise. McCoy breaks a leg sand
skiing and romance is the order of the day for other crew members.
Stardate 9212.8
Writer: Michael Carlin
Penciller: Tom Sutton
Inker: Ricardo Villagran
Cover artists: Brozowski, Lewis
#47 Feb 1988
Idol threats
A young officer tries to emulate Kirk after his captain is
killed by Romulans and only gets his ship and crew into deeper
trouble. Kirk comes to the rescue and learns that his reputation
is not exactly what he would like it to be.
Stardate 9219.7
Writer: Michael Carlin
Penciller: Tom Sutton
Inker: Ricardo Villagran
Cover artists: Brozowski, Lewis
#48 Mar 1988
The stars in secret influence
A Federation ship attacks an
unarmed Klingon outpost. On the Enterprise, a bachelor party
ends in a brawl and Kirk is hit on the head by a bottle. While
Kirk decides on punishment, the Enterprise receives word about
the outpost.
Stardate 8983.2
Issues #48-55 are tied together. This issue is part one of a three-part
story arc.
Writer: Peter David
Penciller: Tom Sutton
Inker: Ricardo Villagran
Cover artist: Joe Brozowski, Bob Lewis
#49 Apr 1988
Aspiring to be angels
A group of alien killers is mopping up at the Klingon outpost
when the Enterprise arrives. A cloaked ship appears, captures
the landing party, and fires on the Enterprise. To prevent
Enterprise from firing back, the captured landing party is
beamed onto the ship's hull with environment suits. A Klingon
ship arrives and captures the landing party. The marauder gets away.
Stardate 8987.7
Part two of a three-part story arc.
Writer: Peter David
Penciller: Tom Sutton
Inker: Ricardo Villagran
Cover artist:
#50 May 1988
Marriage of inconvenience
The Enterprise temporarily allies with the Klingons to track
down the marauding Federation ship. Arriving at the renegade's
next target at high warp, the Enterprise collides with the ship.
The crew is captured but the captain gets away. His body is
found on a nearby planet, but he has been dead for several weeks.
Stardate 8994.6
Confused yet? Conclusion of a three-part story arc. The anniversary logo on
the cover of this issue refers to DC Comics' 50th anniversary.
Writer: Peter David
Penciller: Tom Sutton
Inker: Ricardo Villagran
Cover artist: Ed Hannigan
#51 Jun 1988
Haunted honeymoon
A telepath falls ill, transforming the Enterprise into a
nightmare. The crew experiences hellish illusions and the ship
is incapacitated. Kirk, while in conference with Spock, McCoy,
and Scotty, sees the Bloom County crew of the good ship Enterpoop.
Stardate 9000.0
Part one of a two-part story arc.
Writer: Peter David
Penciller: Tom Sutton
Inker: Ricardo Villagran
Cover artist: Mitch O'Connell
#52 Jul 1988
Hell in a hand basket
The Enterprise crew must descend through the circles of hell (as
described in Dante's Inferno) until they find the telepath.
Spock uses a mind-meld to restore sanity to the ship. Afterward,
Bearclaw sinks a knife into Kirk's chest.
Stardate 9000.4
Conclusion of a two-part story arc.
Writer: Peter David
Penciller: Tom Sutton
Inker: Ricardo Villagran
Cover artist: Mitch O'Connell
#53 Aug 1988
You're dead, Jim
While McCoy works frantically to save Kirk's life, crewmembers
remember past occasions with their captain. Kirk receives an
invitation to join his brother Sam (introduced during
conversation in What Are Little Girls Made Of? and found dead
in Operation: Annihilate!) and son, David. Christopher Pike
also warns Kirk that its time to leave. Spock brings Kirk
back with a mind-meld. Kirk wants Bearclaw's head on a pike.
Stardate 9000.8
Part one of a three-part story arc.
Writer: Peter David
Penciller: Gordon Purcell
Inker: Ricardo Villagran
Cover artists: Jerome Moore, Keith Wilson (KEZ)
#54 Sep 1988
Old loyalties
The Federation Security Legion is called in to investigate the
attempt on Kirk's life. The Legion investigator is Sean
Finnegan (Shore Leave), Kirk's oldest Starfleet Academy
nemesis. The investigation into the renegade ship also
continues. An Enterprise crewmember is found dead, but she was
never reported dead.
Stardate 9001.3
Part two of a three-part story arc.
Writer: Peter David
Penciller: Gordon Purcell
Inker: Ricardo Villagran
Cover artists: Jerome Moore, Keith Wilson (KEZ)
#55 Oct 1988
Finnegan's wake
Finnegan unearths the truth about Bearclaw's attempt on Kirk's
life, but Garth of Izar (Whom Gods Destroy) gets the drop on
him and makes one last attempt to kill Kirk. An unexpected turn
of events prevents him from finishing the job.
Stardate 9002.8
Conclusion of a three-part story arc. Events occuring
in this storyline are explored again in TNG novel, Strike Zone.
Writer: Peter David
Penciller: Tom Sutton
Inker: Ricardo Villagran
Cover artists: Jerome Moore, Keith Wilson (KEZ)
#56 Nov 1988
A small matter of faith
Set during Kirk's first five-year mission. While carrying
radiation victims to a starbase for emergency treatment, the
Enterprise is hijacked by an officer. The ship is taken to a
planet where faith healings have been reported. The Enterprise
learns of a new type of being.
Stardate 3547.2
Writer: Martin Pasko
Artist: Gray Morrow
Cover artist: Jerome Moore